Chapter 1 - A accidental meeting

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Rainbow Dash walked proudly through the Wonderbolt boot camp. She was so happy that Lightning Dust was ditched and she had become the lead pony. Except know she didn't have a partner, but she didn't mind that at all. Her clumsiness of walking proudly caused her to bump into somepony. She was fazed at first, but when she realised who it was. A thick blush appeared on her cheeks. She knew this stallion all to well, it was Soarin.

"Woah, watch were you going recruit" he said with a slight scowl

"Sorry Soarin Sir, it won't happen again Sir"

Dash pushed passed him, but only to be dragged back by her rainbow tail. She groaned but let herself get pulled back anyway.

"Don't think your getting away that easily"

He said with a annoyance like tone. She gulped and lowered her ears slightly, she hoped she didn't stuff up that much. Soarin suddenly smiled a cheeky grin.

"Without telling me your name"

Dashes ears perked up, her mood suddenly brightening. She wanted to fangirl right there, she was talking to a Wonderbolt for Celestias sake.  But she resisted the urge to.

"Eh oh, it's Rainbow Dash Sir"

"Rainbow Dash mmm" he put a hoof to his chin and tapped it gently "where have I heard that name before?" She blushed remembering when he would of found out her name. The young flyers competition, when she pulled of the sonic rainboom.

"You haven't, I never met you until now"

Dash blurted out. Soarin looked down at her, but he wasn't convinced that was true. She felt her sweat drop slightly, so she shuffled herself awkwardly.

"Really, then how do you know my name?"

"Ehhh" quick Dash think.... "Your a Wonderbolt who wouldn't know your name... Yeah... Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.. See ya!"

Then she flew as fast as she could away from him, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. She left Soarin dumbfounded, and also a bit annoyed .

"She's hiding something, I believe we have met before" then he began walking away.

"That was so close" Dash said sitting down on the soft matress in her dorm, apparently they weren't getting a replacement for Lightning Dust so she was going to be alone. Except thats what she thought.

"This is your dorm" the familiar voice of Spitfire said. Dashes ears perked up

"Isn't this a recruits dorm?" A male voice said

"Yeah but she recently lost her partner due to her being reckless, plus this is the only room available "

The male snorted. Dash had heard the males voice before, but she didn't know what to think of it, until a white coated  and a navy blue maned colt walked in the room.

"Rainbow Dash?!" Soarin gasped

"Soarin?! " Rainbow Dash gasped at the same time

"Your my new room mate!" The two stated.

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