that feeling

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Cassie POV:
Its Friday and the last day of school thank god. I can't take another day there. This school is driving me crazy. "Hurry Cassie!!! Or you'll be late!!" My mom yelled from the stairs. "I'm coming OK!!" I yelled back as I put my light blue jeans and red Paris shirt on ,my favorite outfit. I grab my bag and ran down stairs.
I'm turning 18 I can't believe it in 2 weeks this is going to be awesome. Fuck yeah!! As I made my way down the stairs I felt sick. Yuck!! I almost throw up. "Mom I don't feel good." I told my mom as I grabbed a root beer pop tart. "I don't want to hear it unless you're dying. Its the last day of school be happy you graduate next year. And it half a day you'll be home before you know it." My mom said to comfort me but it didn't work.
"I know I know but I don't feel good I'm going, see you later." I said as I walked out the door to see mini mouse (Cece) , cheap stake (Adam), C-Bear (Carl) and babe (Carly, my girlfriend) "hey!" They said together as I covered my ears.
"Wats wrong," babe asked me as she put her hand around my waist as I almost fall to the ground. "Nothing! Give me a moment! OK?!" I said trying not to be rude and sat on the step. "Ok, take all the time you need." She said. But this feeling wasn't going away
"go to the grand canyon"

this voice in my head said. Everything was spinning it hurt my eyes were burning my heart was pounding. I couldn't hear anything but my heart.
Babe's POV
"Baby, can u hear me!" I yelled as Cassie was unconscious in my arms. "Get her mom!" I yelled at mini mouse. She ran inside and a few secs later Mrs Post was outside kneeling next to me and Cassie. "What happened?!" She asked panicky. "I-i-i don't know she looked sick and passed out."
"Call 9-1-1" her mom shouted out. C-Bear ran inside to the phone.
Tears fell from my eyes as her mom said "I should have believed her"
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Half way around the world:
Scott's POV
"Man, get ur ass up!" My roommate, Jeff yelled from the other side of the room or so I thought I open my eyes to see him in front of me on the bed. "What do u want?!" I said feeling sick from a hangover I guess. "Dude you've been asleep for 2days!!" Jeff yelled at me. "W-what r u talking about, asshole?!" I said as I sat up. And lucky there was a trash can next to the bed cuz I grabbed it so fast the flash couldn't catch my hand and puked. "You've been asleep for 2days 11hours and 53 mins. U OK?!" He asked me as he looked at his watch and I throw up again but with blood this time. "Yh I'm fine." I said but I wasn't I kep throwing up. "want me to get the nurse?!" He asked panicky I couldn't talk my throat hurt so I nodded. About 10 mins later he came back with the nurse. She was hot!! Fucking sexy and I was afraid to get a boner in front of her. But Jeff couldn't help it the way she been down as she dropped the bag. Wow!! No boner OK??!! She told me to open my mouth and to close it as she took my temp. "Hey, u feel ok hon?! Ur temp is 105.9!" Jeff's mouth fell open as she said that. But before I could say anything I hear

"go to the fucking grand canyon"

a voice in my head said and I blacked out.
Jeff's POV
"Go call 9-1-1!!!" The sexy nurse told me. I panicked really bad as usual and ran to the nearest class for a phone.
Sexy nurse POV
This boy was in big trouble. He wasn't breathing or moving I shined a light in his eyes and nothing absolutely nothing. I listened to the silence in the room until his roommate came back. As this poor boy turned blue like the color of his eyes I couldn't do anything. "Their on their way!!" His roommate yelled from across the hall.
No even 5mins later the boy was in the ambulance. Thx god.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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