Chapter 1 and Only

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Atsushi P.O.V

Life sucks. I learned that the hard way a few months ago after I was kicked out of my orphanage. I thought for sure that I was going to die of starvation. Then HE showed up casually committing suicide by drowning. (I later learned that was an everyday occurence and not to be minded). 

I saved him and got scolded for it. I didn't really care though. All I cared about was that offer for food. After my stomach was satisfied, I took the time to look at my two new aquaintances. One introduced himself as Kunikida. His blonde hair formed into a short ponytail and his eyes were cold and calculating behind his glasses. Although, t was kind of hard to take him seriously with his constant mumbling about a schedule and constant glares at Dazai.

Dazai, Dazai, Dazai. I have no words to describe him other than suicidal, psychopathic, and beautiful. For having only normal chocolate brown hair and eyes he stood out the most in the agency. Bandages were wrapped around his wrist and arms. (I was starting to suspect there was more to them than just for show. But knowing my luck I'm completely wrong). His trenchcoat was so out of place in the hustle and bustle of the city you could pick him out a mile away.

After discovering my weretiger abilities and going through one of the weirdest tests ever, I was a member of the agency. It can be simply described as one giant dysfunctional yet functional family. We all liked to joke that Kunikida is the mom of our group which he denies everytime. Ever since the mushroom incident we classify Dazai as the older brother on drugs. (Much to his dismay).

Today was one of those rare days where the mafia groups were quiet and we could work in peace. I was in the middle of my coffee break that I usually forgot I have with all the chaos around. It's really convienent that the first floor of the agency building was a cafe.

Dazai and I were the most well known in the quaint room. Kunikida showed up about as much as we did, but apparently people found him too intimidating. However, people approached me and Dazai whenever we visited for friendly chatter. 

I stared out the window. Dazai was late today. He and Kunikida were mostly likely having another argument. Again. Honestly sometimes I can't believe they're best friends.

"Atsushi!" a feminine voice called out to me. I turned to see a girl with red hair in a ponytail and bright green eyes. She had on a dark pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I smiled. "Hey Redilia. It's been two weeks hasn't it?" She flashed a grin and sat down next to me. 

Redilia became my friend a while back. Apparently she had a power as well and we never really got to see her powers in action, but she always came back with useful information about our recent cases.

"So Atsu how you've been?" she giggled at me. I rolled my eyes at her nickname. She had one for everyone in the agency. I was Atsu. Dazai was Dazi. Kunikida was Kuni. Ranpo was Ran Ran and so on.

"I've been fine. So do you have information or are you just visiting?" I asked curiously. "Just visiting. I managed to sneak away from my brother to get here. Don't need my overprotective brother yelling at me for joining an agency that deals with crime, the mafia, etc. So how's that confession to Dazi going?" she snickered.

I managed to not spit out my drink at the random question, and half-heartedly glared at her. "If you have to know..." I started. Redilia scooted to the edge of her seat and stared at me. "Oh I have to know." she demanded.

"I confessed a week ago." I blushed. Her eyes lit up instantly. "Really? What did he say?" I felt a bit embarrassed at the memory. A hastily said confession that barely expressed my feelings, me trying to run away due to fear of rejection, and the best part, him pushing me up against the wall and proceeding to kiss me senseless.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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