The Light of my Heart

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"Hey (yn), we need you to come over to the bunker for a few days. Chuck amd Lucifer, cannot be left alone for a long period of time." Dean said.
You roll your eyes. "Sure I will babysit them just let me get a few things before I head over there." You said with a hint of amusement.
You hung up before Dean could reply. You love your twin brother but he was a pain in the butt at times. You drove your Chevy to the nearest store. When you enter the store you got some food that last you a few days. You felt something dark behind you. "Lucifer go back to the bunker I got this." You said.
"Come on (yn), pay attention to me I am bored and daddy isn't the best company to have." Lucifer complained.
You rolled your eyes then finished up with shopping. Lucifer and you went to your car and headed out. Your phone ranged. Lucifer answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Dean, Lucifer is with me." You said.
"Sis, how did you know I was gonna ask that. Chuck..." The phone was shut off.
You raised an eyebrow then let out a soft laugh. "What will I do?" You ask yourself.
Time skip due to my boredom
You enter the bunker to see Chuck and Dean fighting. "Hey children, stop this fighting or I will put you both in time out!" You yelled.
Chuck and Dean stopped fighting. "Sam, tell my twin I will not listen to her!" He yelled.
Sam rolled his eyes and dragged Dean out of the bunker. You went to the table and got your laptop and began working. Their was silence for a good thirty minutes before someone shut her laptop. "(Yn) you have been working on stop for the past few days. It is not healthy for a mortal to do that." Chuck said.
You looked at Chuck's blue eyes and saw concerl, love, and a hint of lust. "I love you my love. You are the light of my heart that guides me to you. I don't know what I would do if you left me. I love you with all my being." Chuck said.
You were crying by the end of the speech and hugged Chuck tightly. "I love you too my broken light." You whispered.
"Hey what about me I want hugs too." Lucifer complained.
Chuck lead you to his room and the rest is boot for young eyes to reade.
An I hope you like my first story.

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