Sarah, Smiling

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Here's the prequel for my new story (idea shit thing). If anyone likes it I'll do my best to continue.

Girl of my dreams.

   Matt Henderson thought these words, unaware that they were the same four two others had thought before him. He watched as the aforementioned 'girl of his dreams' laughed at something she heard on the radio.

   This was Sarah. 

Her bubblegum-pink hair stuck out on the sides oh her head, bringing out her peculiar-looking black eyes. Not dark brown or blue, but a gorgeous, deep-throaty-black that made you think of jazz singers and the sky at midnight in winter when you're by yourself. Sarah Drickittty, with-three-T's-thank-you-and-yes-it-rhymes-with-chickadee. Father? Dead. Mother? MIA, who knows who cares.

    Music lover, thrill taker, sarcastic until the end, this was Sarah. Just moved here from France, yes-I-talk-funny-no-I-do-not-smell-and-THIS-is-why-some-of-us-think-you-are-all-inarticulate. Doesn't even know why she is here. Doesn't have time for clubs. Doesn't have time for sports. Doesn't have time for friends.

   A rich aunt, a rebellious teenage niece (one that possibly acts out due to depression), a chance to experience the things "every teenager should", high school in America. Soap opera? Classs-B movie? You decide.

   Matthew Henderson. Nicholas Sria. Jack Limnan. Three boys with a common goal: to win the heart of the fair maiden. But is anything ever so easy? Old flames, uncooperative relatives, new flames, contests, actors, musicians, bribery, destruction of public property, lesbians, and bishies. 

  This was Sarah, smiling. 

Sarah, SmilingWhere stories live. Discover now