Love is Cold

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Kon’nichiwa, minna-san! Gomen'nasai for not updating my main stories too much. Lack of inspiration is horrible. Anyways, I needed some gushy romantic stuff, since I usually don't do that. I'm not a very...romantic person, but I TRIED! This is a 'oneshot,' Lily style. And by that, I mean that in my word document it was 18 pages long. :D I'll probably do an epilouge too. Hahahhaha 



“Mama look! Snow!” The little boy cried, and his mother smiled. Lucy looked at them, feeling nostalgic. When she was little, she would always look out the window at the snow. She’d always had a weak immune system, like her mother, and had never been allowed to go outside when it was cold. It was no different now. The blonde girl shivered as she walked home, balancing on the edge of the river ledge, like always. Considering the amount ice on the road, perhaps that wasn’t the smartest idea? Oh well-

“Hey Lucy-san! Be careful! It’s slippery to-” The warning, however, came slightly too late. Lucy squealed as she slipped, plummeting into the freezing river. Luckily, her boat men friends fished her out in a matter of minutes, returning her to the shore.

“Are you gonna be okay, Lucy-san?” She was shivering.

“I-I’l be fine. I w-was alm-most home anyways.” Her teeth were chattering thought. “A-arig-gato. I would have d-died if you hadn’t b-been th-there.” She tried to smile, clutching the jacket they had lent her tightly.

“It’s fine. Go rest up.” She protested, and quickly handed back the jacket.

“Arigato” Then, without accepting that jacket back, Lucy walked the five minutes-or rather, ten with the little dance she was doing on ice. When she finally got to her cute little home, she walked in and threw some wood in the fireplace, lighting it with a match. Then, she went upstairs to change and take a bath. But, as she turned on the water, she squealed.

“COOOOLLDDDDDD!” Immediately, she hopped out of the bath. The already freezing Lucy was, in a sense, screwed. She jumped out of the bath, only to notice the note on her desk.

‘Dear Lucy Heartfilia, I would like to inform you that, due to the cold weather, the water cannot be heated for the next day or two.’ It was from her landlady. Lucy groaned.

“Absolutely perfect.” She had a towel rapped around her when she a heard something no single girl should when they were pretty much naked.

“What’s perfect Luce?” She screamed, kicking her partner.

“NATSU! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Lucy tried to keep the shivering out of her voice, but it was difficult. And she failed. Miserably.

“Hey. What’s wrong? You’re shivering?” He got up a little too close to his nakama, who was bright red by this point.

“Nothing! I’m just...just a little cold! And my hot water is off, so I couldn’t take a bath and warm up!” Big mistake.

“If you couldn’t take a bath....why are you soaking wet?” She mentally face-palmed. He was going to laugh his butt off when he heard the story.

“I...I fell in the river, okay? I almost drowned, but those men who are always on the boat pulled me up. Go ahead and laugh.” She said, annoyed. But, to her surprise, Natsu didn’t laugh. Instead, he was worried.

“Why would I laugh. I mean, aren’t you really sensitive to cold? And that river is frozen over in parts.” He may not be as dense as he seems. “Did you slip?”

“Y-yeah..” She mumbled. “But...would you mind turning around?” He gave her a weird look.

“Why?” Or maybe he was as dense as people thought.

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