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Route 5 were always busy, after all, they were arguably the most popular boy band on the planet. They were in their hotel now, watching TV, they had a show in less than 5 hours and a bit of TV was always the best before another night of being chased by obsessive fans. It was just Henry, Lewis, Zack and Leo sat down on the sofa, they were watching the news, not because they wanted to, but because they couldn't find the remote to switch it over. The familiar news woman tapped her paper onto the desk and began to read.

'Last night the waxwork museum was robbed, the situation is being investigated as we speak, it is thought several waxworks were stolen and that the criminal entered through the air vent. now back to Stacey for the weather.' Route 5 looked at each other briefly, they had waxworks in that museum, i guess it would be quite strange to think of someone taking a life size model of them home, not that it would be them, it could have been anyone really. Henry took a sip of his drink and stood up.

'i wonder were Neil is... havent seen him since-' he paused for a moment, he couldn't quite remember when he had last seen him. 

'i dont think I've seen him since last night...' Lewis said, interrupting Henry.

'I might have seen him this morning but i don't really know.' zack said, shrugging. they all stood up and began to walk off into the separate rooms of the hotel. Henry and Leo went together but Lewis and Zack separately. Henry and Leo checked the basement, Lewis checked the kitchen, Zack checked Neil's room.

As Zack was walking he got the strangest feeling he was being watched, he shook it off, he could be being watched but it would only be a crazy fan or the press. he reached Neils room and knocked on the door, three times. no reply. he knocked again and then opened the door himself. there, on the bed was Neil, but he had a guitar smashed through his head, between his eyes. Zack screamed, and that wouldn't be the last scream heard that day.

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