The Order

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New story, hope that you all read it and enjoy it. please give me feed back!!!!!!!




I would love to hear back from you guys! 

Damon ran down the hall chasing after Cassie. Cassie was Damon's best friend and lover till he found out he had powers. Damon was apart of an order that protected the humans from anything mythical, vampires, werewolves and any other kind of shifters, demons. They couldn't date anyone human. He had to tell her that he was leaving. He finally got up to her and grabbed her arm, he pushed her against the locker, and kissed her. After they broke apart, he stared into her eyes, searching for something.

"I thought you were leaving?" She whispered finally.

"I can't leave you." he told him and looked down.

"Cassie, I love you." Damon told her and kissed her again. She kissed him back, then muttered against his lips.

"I love you too."

"Please don't go."

"I have to."


"I can't tell you, or anyone." He told her, she laid her head down on his chest.  "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Damon wrapped his arms around her and held her there.

"I have to go. I'll call you when I get there, and get settled." He promised her, he gave her one last kissed and they parted ways. He pushed the doors open and stepped out into the bright sun light. There was tons of kids walking around the school ground minding their own business. Some were heading for there cars and others walked home, it was like every normal day, only Damon was leaving.

            He headed for his car, when he reached it there was a cheerleader leaning against it. Damon was a great looking guy, tall dark hair, bright blue eyes, that changed colors between grey, blue and black when he was mad. He had a nice body, a six pack under his shirt. The cheerleader pushed herself off his car and stalked over to him. She put her finger nail on his chest making him stop in his tracks and look up at her. She had one of those weird looking smiles trying to be sexy. Damon try and hid his laughter.

"What you doing tonight babe?" She asked him in her "sexy" voice.

"Nothing with you." Damon said and walked over to his car laughing. The football players that heard there conversation started to crack up laughing too. Damon climbed into his black and red 1970 Mustang. He rolled down the windows since it was a hot day out, up in the high 70's.

"Awe, come on baby." She said coming up and leaning in the open window, making sure that she showed her chest.

"Sorry, I don't do anything with a whore." He revved the engine making her jump back, and drove away.

"You got burned!" The quarterback yelled. Damon was still smirking when he pulled into the driveway of his parents house. He wasn't going to be living there soon, and he was glad. He got to go live at the Order building. The order building was in the city hidden, only the ones with his power can find it. There were a lot in the world today, they are called Hunters, that what the order refers to them as. They said hunter and then your name at the end. Hunters were part fallen angel and part human.

            Damon stepped out of his car and headed towards the front door. He twisted the knob to find that it was unlocked and he headed inside. His parents were in the front room watching TV. They looked back to see him walk in and then turned back around, they didn't talk to him that much since Damon found out that he was a hunter. Damon headed to his room to get his suitcases. He was heading out tonight. He headed back down the hall.

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