Chapter One: At Grandfathers

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"Hello Ariel!" Ariels grandfather, Jacob, bellowed the second he saw his granddaughter. She figured it was since he was 71 and had hearing issues. He offered her inside. Ariel walked in. Jacobs house was different than she remembered. "Wow! What happened while I was gone?" Ariel asked. "Well I forgot to tell you about my wife." Jacob replied sounding exited. "Really?! Wow can I meet her?! Please?!" Ariel asked exited. "Of course!" Jacob replied. So Jacob led his granddaughter into the other room. Ariel saw her blonde grey-eyed grandmother. She could tell by her face that she was a good person and would not be like her old abusive grandmother , Jane. "Emily meet my granddaughter , Ariel. Ariel meet your new grandmother , Emily." Jacob said happily. "Hello!" Emily said sounding exited. 'Why is she so happy?' Ariel thought to herself. She figured she didn't understand adults because she was only 12. "Grandfather?" Ariel said worried after hearing her grandfather sound like he was struggling. Ariel turned around to see her grandfather dead on the floor. Ariel and Emily let out terrified cries. "QUICK CALL 911!" Emily yelled crying. So Ariel obeyed and dialed on her cellphone the numbers as tears rolled down her face. Her shivering voice in the phone made the 911 people worried. "He died. Please come." Ariel said crying and told her address so they could come investigate the body.
Thanks for reading :D!!
Sorry if inaccurate I'm not a doctor I don't know what they do with dead people X3

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