Until Death Do Us Part

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Until Death do Us Part

"Can I come in?" She says standing at his door but he can't respond. He is too shocked.

He has been watching her for a few weeks now.


He follows her from afar, keeping a log of everything she does from what time she wakes up to what she wears and even where she goes.

"I just want to protect her. Even though I know she loves me, I can't go meet her, yet. It's not the right time. For now just being able to following her is enough. I know she is safe." He says to himself.


He's followed her for about a month and knows her schedule like the back of his hand, but following her isn't enough, anymore. He patiently waits for her to leave.

"7:44 a.m. 3 minutes until she leaves." he repeats to himself.

Once she leaves he waits 7 minutes just to make sure the coast is clear. Then he gets out of his car and walks to the back door. He carefully picks the lock and enters the house. He takes off his backpack and starts taking out the cameras and bugs. With these he would be able to watch her from his house whenever he wants to.


But he had always been careful. He thought there was no way she would ever know, but she must know. She's at his door.

"I know you have been watching me for a while now and I thought it was about time for us to meet." She says walking in. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No I just didn't expect to see you here this soon." He says shifting uncomfortably.

"How long did you think it would be before we met, then?"

"I don't know. I just knew that I was going to protect you." He replies.

"Well, enough of this talk let's get to the point. I know I'm not the first girl you've stalked, but I can assure you I will be the last." She says. She leans in and lightly kisses him. He then flinches in pain feeling the hot liquid on his cheek.

"I know why you have been stalking me. I know all of your little secrets."

"I don't have any secrets to hide."

"Wrong answer." She says, cutting his wrist and pushing him into the corner. "Lets try again. Why did you begin to stalk me?"

"I wanted to protect you. I love you."

"Protect me from what?" she asks.

"I don't know I just had to protect you."

"Fine, don't answer my question." She says cutting him once more. "I look just like your fiancé that died 5 years ago and I am the same age as she was. I know she died because of a house fire and you couldn't rescue her." she says. "But what I know the most about is who started the fire."

"What are you talking about? They said the fire was started by faulty electrical wires. No one started the fire." He says as he tries to stop the bleeding.

"Man, you are stupid. You are standing there bleeding and you still think it was faulty wires. I really thought you would remember who I was by now. I still love you, but what happened to death do us part."

"What are you talking about I never got married?"

"I can't believe that you don't remember. We were best friends all the way through elementary school. Dont you remember?"

"I don't know what you are talking about?" He says.

"Fiery passion." She says cutting him again but deeper this time. "In 5th grade we had a play and you asked me to be your wife."

"5th grade was a long time ago."

"We started dating soon after and then when your mom died you left. We were supposed to be together until death. You even told me you would never leave me." She says as she stabs him. "But you were going to marry that girl and I couldn't let you. I'd rather kill you than let someone else have you. She says stabbing him again."

His blood pours out on the floor as he starts to lose consciousness.

"Don't leave me. I'm sorry." She cries. She sinks to the floor clinging to his bloody body. "I still love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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