Chapter 1

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Here we are. Welcome to my story. It's built out of love and hate, pain and laughter, friends and ex-friends. Any opposite you could ever possibly think of, is how my story goes. Let me give you the oh-so cliche personal introduction- it's the best way to get to know me. My name is Riley Mason. I'm currently 24, but my story starts at 19 years old. Let me put you at that point in my life; my emotions, my thoughts, where I lived, who I was- the whole spiel.

I live with my mother, Jane. She lived in the United States before meeting my father here in Ireland. I don't want to get into his background story just yet. We're not quite ready to get there. I have an older sister-two years older than me- who is taking classes in England right now. Enough about her though, no one cares about her. I'm the star of the show here.

So, I live in the beautiful country of Ireland. Home of potatoes and people who refuse to admit that they have alcoholism. Now that's Irish pride. To be more specific, I live in the Midland Region, in the third most populated town, the beautiful, Mullingar.

I think that at this point, you might be getting the picture, and if you aren't, how oblivious are you? 

My best friend and I, we make it work. We kind of do the long-distance thing. We're not romantic with each other though. I love him with my whole heart and soul, but the thought of him and I together is just kind of gross if I'm being honest. I'm sure like every guy best friend though, he'd take the chance if I gave it to him. Ugh. Men. I suppose it's not their fault that I'm super fun, charismatic , sexy, and cool. Anyways, back to my best friend, not me, take a guess who it is. I'm sure you'll never get it cause it totally isn't obvious. 

Let me stop you right there.

If you were planning on guessing anyone other than Harry Styles, you'd be delusional. You're a silly goose if you believed that I, Riley Mason, would be friends with anyone other than Mr. Styles. If you think of any person otherwise, I'm sorry. 

Anyways, yes, Harry is my best friend. He's been there for me for a lot of heartbreak. Back when I was 16, when a former friend of mine who I will not name, left for a talent show that I also will not name- before you ask, no I haven't signed any NDAs. This is personal preference, don't worry about it- I "accidentally" stumbled upon Harry's phone- totally not in his pocket- and I "accidentally" put my number in it (why wouldn't he have a lock on that thing?). Now, you're probably sitting there asking yourself, 'how did she get there?'  Well, as you can tall, I'm professional ninja, and I just snuck myself through security. Gotta do whatcha gotta do

Okay, yes that's obviously bullshit.

I tagged along as a guest for this so-called "former friend" and Harry and I just clicked and I wanted to get to know him more, so I did the only thing I could do, stole his phone and shot myself a call on it. There's nothing inherently illegal about that either as long as it was all an accident as I claim here.

I've just talked a lot and you're probably thinking, 'Riley get on with it, why am I here?' To that I say, "fine, I will give you what you want, but you better sit back and relax because this is going to be awhile.

Back to 19.


I was doing laundry when my phone started playing some dumbass best friend song Harry and I created. I snorted and answered quickly, knowing that the only person with that ringtone in my contact was him.

"What's up Hazza?" I asked, still chuckling a little.

"So, the boys and I have been doing some touring- you know, casually- and we're in the area, so I'm literally on my way to see you now. You don't get a choice here, love. We've got catching up to do," he told me, practically sending his infamous grin through the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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