The Vampire at the End of the Street

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Rosalie stared up at the huge unwelcoming manor. The building glared down at her, as if knowing she was up to no good. She opened her mouth as if to tell it she didn't even really want to be here and didn't want to come in uninvited, that she had no choice! She shut her mouth quickly knowing she'd sound crazy this is a house not a person. The manor was made of a dark reddish brown brick, which is odd considering the time period it was built in. The manor was split into three main parts: the main house, the right wing, and the large sun room to the left of the house. She placed her right Nikey covered foot on the first stone step. She felt uneasy, and she was just on the first step. Then she raised her left foot and had two feet on the grey stone step.

"Come on Rose, it is just a house, nothing more nothing less," she whispered to herself in a type of pep talk.

The manor towered over her making her feel extremely small and meaningless. Is it silly to be intimated by a house? Not when it is Mason Manor. Rosalie gripped her small black backpack tightly and was tempted to just call the whole thing off and go back to her warm full size bed and sleep. Just as she went to take a step back a loud unexpected voice startled her causing her to fall backward on her ass.

"Don't you dare chicken out!" D'Andra spoke with her thick Mississippi accent.

Rosalie stood up and rubbed her throbbing backside, "D, I could have died!"

The seventeen year old senior rolled her mocha colored eyes and snorted, "Yes, two inches would have ended your life. So young! So tragic! So stupid! Grow up, all ya did was bruise yur ass."

Rosalie glared at her long time friend, "My ass is bruised, thank you very much."

D'Andra fluffed her black afro, "Whateva, just get yur ass in dat house!"

The two girls have been friends for the passed seven years. Ever since Rosalie moved to New Chesterfield, Mississippi from Black Fox, Oklahoma D'Andra and her have been attached at the hip. This is how she got into this mess in the first place. D'Andra heard from Laura that Jeff and Andre had messed around Mason Manor and saw a ghost. Rosalie brushed it off as them being scared and boys. The boys at West Chesterfield High always want to scare the girls and say they stood up against it. Real studs. Rosalie was sure they had been drinking. She just made the mistake of voicing her opinions on the Mason Manor Haunting. D'Andra and her got into a disagreement and some how she got into a dare. Rosalie Michelle Moore doesn't run from a dare, mainly one that was announced to the entire senior an junior classes.

She took a step up and got closer to the front door. Rosalie sighed and gripped the silver cross necklace around her throat. Soon she finally got on the porch. It was a wooden porch with cement and stone support beams. The wood was rotting and had many large holes. She had to walk on the stone support beams just to not fall. She pushed her dark red hair out of her face and caught sight of a large black rat the size of her Golden Retriever's duck toy. A loud girly scream escaped her glossy pink lips. She gripped her backpack tightly and held it in front of her like a shield. While she fought her way to the front door her best friend laughed at her.

"It's a mouse!" D'Andra said clutching her stomach.

Rosalie whipped her head around quickly and shouted, "It is a fucking rat!"

Rosalie isn't one to curse, but with D'Andra stressing her out and making fun of her she snaps a little. D'Andra muffled her laughter as she watched her small ginger haired friend reach out to the rusty door knob. She was almost tempted to holler out something but fought against the temptation. She knew her best friend could fall and hurt herself if she did that. As soon as the door creaked open D'Andra smiled. She watched her best friend enter before she turned around to leave. Her mother was going to have a fit when she finds out she isn't there to watch her three younger siblings.

Rosalie walked into the entrance hall and it was truly a sight. Spider webs littered the nooks and high corners. The wall paper was slim to none. She had to walk on the stone support beam due to the many gaping holes that showed nothing but darkness underneath the floor boards. She unzipped her backpack and pulled out her flashlight. It was nothing fancy, but it was bigger than a normal hand held flashlight and she brought three packs of extra batteries just in case.

She followed along the support beam until she came into a grand florae. There was a large formal stair case with a faded red carpet going all the way up the stairs. The iron railings were rusted beyond repair and  had large sharp pointed edges. It was like someone walked in and started hacking away at the railings only a few were fully in tact. Up the stairs and to the right is the rumored right wing. How two two-hundred and fifty pound boys got up those stairs flabbergasted her. She was barely a hundred and fifteen, and she was afraid if she walked up them she was going to fall down them to her death.  

She turned to the left and saw a rather large sun room, though now it is covered with weeds and vines she could almost picture it in its original form. The floor of the sun room had deteriorated leaving the support  beams visible as well as the cold hard ground. Rosalie slowly walked over toward the room. She place her backpack strap on her shoulder and pointed her flashlight forward. Taking each step at a time she walked across the beams. She avoided any plants she did not recognized, which was all but maybe two.

She explored the sun room she saw all types of rotting furniture. She found a chair without legs and the top of a table. The ruin of a piano with many weeds peaking out from the dirty keys. Then something made her stop in her tracts. A small glint of red reflected off her flashlight. Rosalie stepped off the beam and on to the cold hard earth floor. The red glinting object was a small glass trinket. A small red rose about the size of a quarter with a black glass stem about four centimeters long. She reached out and picked up the glass object. She admired it for a long few moments. It was weird, she felt as if this object was hers. Then she did something she would have never done, she placed the object in her backpack, but not before wrapping it up in the extra shirt she brought along. She stole something. Well, if it didn't belong to anyone is it stealing? The glass object belonged to the house, but Mason Manor isn't a person. Rosalie ran a hand through her long red hair. She felt odd, like someone was watching her. The feeling though disappeared in an instant. It was like the eyes didn't care for what they saw. Shaking off the feeling she made her way back to the stairs.

"If five hundred pounds of muscle can make it up these stairs, I should be able to."

Her foot touched the first step and she felt a sense of foreboding. Something inside of her said go home and never come back. She wanted to listen to it, but the other voice was louder. A part of her wanted to flee, and another want to explore. Sighing she took another step upward. She jumped slightly when she heard some rats scurrying. The flashlight shook in her hands, but she didn't turn back. Finally she made it up the stairs. Surprisingly the upstairs was in better shape than down stairs. She was able to walk on the wood floor with little trouble.

She went into the right wing.

The top floor was surprisingly in better shape than the bottom. Rosalie could walk on the rotting wood without much fear of falling to her death. The walls appeared to be a faded, OK extremely faded, dark red color sprinkled with many dark spots caused by years of water damage. Cobwebs claimed the territory in the corners of the hallway. She glared at the white and grey colored homes for those gross creatures we call spiders. She heard herself let out a squeak at the sight of a small black spider running across the floor centimeters from her feet. She gripped her flashlight tighter and continued on.


A/N: Town is called New Chesterfield and the school is called West Chesterfield. No good reason, I just forgot whether the town was New or West so it is a bit of both.

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