A word or two, please read

64 3 10

Why, bello (yas, bello, I ♥ minions) dear customer, can I call you customer? Okay, I will call you customer. First off, special thanks to my best friend and cousin (her name is at the dedication) for her support.Go follow her people! I wuv you. Moving on. Secondly, everything made here I make on my own (except for a cover I made for a story on mine in which I had to find a photo- I was still young and hadn't mastered the art of cover-making yet). I make everything on my phone. It takes a lot of time and it's very hard (liar, liar pants on fire). Fine! It doesn'take long, unless I am on my period or out of ideas. Yeah, that happens... I mostly make abstract stuff, but make it fit in with the subject. A LOT of unfinished stories, believe me. If it takes me more than a couple days to post without an explanation, I have either gone somewhere without internet connection (blame my mom) or I am very busy doing nothing (my life, pretty much).

What number am I on now? Lost count. ANYWAY. Requests are open all da time. Sorry, the time. And that's pretty much it, I think... I also make banners and profile photos/ icons (is there a difference?).

I am done here.

Just kidding dear customers, I love you.

Or do I?

I am going to shut up now.

Wattpad Covers/Banners/Icons *Requests Open*Where stories live. Discover now