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Long long ago there were two races. Humans and Monsters. One day they broke out into war. After a long battle the humans were victorious. They buried them down underground. *Allright get on with the story. *Ok whatever. So Hi greetings my name is well you will find out in a later story. Ehh what the heck my name is frisk i climbed the mountan and fell down here i dont really know where i am im thinking its some place underground well i see a patch of flowers oh ok go here then what the heck who are you.

Part-2 meet flowey

Uhhh hi. Hi Im Flowey. Flowey The Flower. So You must be Very confused on whats going on here. Well little old me will just have to work. So down here theres LV. What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course. You want love dont you? Umm i guess. GOOD! Down here love is shared through frendliness pellets. Catch as many as you can. You IDIOT DOWN HERE ITS KILL OR BE KILLED. *wtf this flower is like a f*****. DIE MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Uh AHHH.

Allright i know this story is short but im gonna do SHORT storys so this is the intro of undertale please dont be mean to me.

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