Don't get tagged or you'll be it

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So both NewYearNewMeme , InvisibleOtaku8285 , and independentissy has tagged me in this so now I have to do it


1) You Must post all the rules

2) You must tag 13 people ( I don't talk to 13 people one here so I'm tagging some people I follow sorry)

3) You must answer all 13 questions

4) don't skip this tag

5) tag backs are allowed

6) must think of a creative tittle for tag

7) Post in a Chapter not comment section

Cheating a little Doing all on here so first NewYearNewMeme's

1)If you could go back in time and redo anything, what would you do?
Not date one of my ex's

2) Make the worst pun you can
(Not mine but) Baltimore not Baltisnore I don't know any other puns XD

3) Describe your dream last night.(or the most recent dream you remember)
I don't really dream so I have none that I remember

4) Would you rather meet your favorite band or favorite Youtuber?
Hard to answers but I have to go with favorite Youtuber

5) If you could personally be best friends with any celebrity, who would you pick?
Do Youtubers count cause if so Chilled Chaos if not then idk Demi Lovato

6) What's your secret talent?
It's not that much of a secret but I can out my leg over my head

7) Whats your favorite song by your favorite band?
I can't chose I would say either Crazy=genius or balled of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco
8) what is something not even your best friend knows about you?
Can't say its a secret for a reason

9) Do you contemplate death/have existential crisis often?
Not really I used to but its not often now.

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