Do You Dig Elvis?

265 21 16

Dean POV.

I wake up in the middle of the night one day and like always, I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Upon walking through the map room I find Sam huddled in one of the comfortable chairs sobbing quietly.

"Are you alright Sammy?" I asked as I walked over to him and move the laptop from his lap.

"Do you dig Elvis?" Sam asks me through the tears.

"Uhhhh..... I guess? Yeah? I could dig Elvis." I tell him confused on what Elvis had to do with anything. My response had apparently upset Sam even more. "Sammy, what's going on?"

Sam points to his laptop and lets out another sob. "Don't read it, Dean. There's too many feels."

I grab the laptop and look at the screen. I scroll to the top to see he was on a website called Archive of Our Own and reading a book called Twist and Shout.

"Twist and Shout is The Beatles, not Elvis." I say as I continue to look at the page and see that in the tags there are tags such as Dean/Cas, Destiel, CasDean, Castiel, Dean, Dean Winchester, Sam, Sam Winchester, Major character death. "You were reading fanfiction? About me and Cas?"

"It's beautiful." Sam cries...

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