Chapter One

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It was a cold winter night it the small village where the demon Nioklaus resided. There was a small commotion going on in the small village. One of the women had finally given birth to a healthy baby girl, but did not want to keep her any longer.

The second the white-haired baby opened her eyes, the women knew she could not care for the child. She had her fathers blood red eyes, the eyes the woman had looked into as she had been forced to participate in such activities. The eyes that had glowed with malicious intent and joy as she screamed out in pain. The same exact eyes that haunted her every moment. The baby looked exactly like the female version of her father.

The women let out a sob as she held the baby girl close to her chest as she cooed and waved her arms about. She clenched her jaw and stood up, and got out of the bed.

She could not care for this child. She could not care for his child. She couldn't do it. Not with the circumstances she had been born under.

The woman shifted the baby onto one of her hips and headed to her large kitchen. The baby girl giggled and tugged at her mothers black hair. The women glanced down at the baby and let a small smile grace her face as the baby gurgled at her mother.

The women set the baby in her high chair and sat down with a pen and paper and started to write.

Dear Receiver,

This baby girl is named Adalynn, she is 7 months old and very healthy. Although it breaks my heart, I can't bring myself to care for the child any longer. The circumstances in which she were born are too much for me to handle. She would not have a stable, loving home with me. So I am on my knees begging you to please, take care of her. I'm hoping you could provide her a warm home. One in which she will have the childhood she deserves. Please. Her birthday is August 13th, and her fathers name is Azyeric Edwards. He is a terrible man, do not try to find him under all costs. I plead with you, if she asks about her father, tell her nothing. Although, I'm hoping you'll be her father figure through her life. My name is Arabelle Van Lucia. I'm Adalynn's mother. Please, tell her I love her.

-Arabelle Van Lucia

Arabelle let out another sob as her tears fell on the paper. She shakily lifted the paper and folded it and tucked it into her daughters blanket that was wrapped around her.

She kissed her daughters forehead and tucked her into her arms and made her way out her front door.

She let out quiet sobs throughout her walk to the house and the edge of the village. It was a large mansion, that housed a handsome man. From what Arabelle had heard, he was a kind man who donated his fortune to help the poor in their village.

Arabelle couldn't help the loud heart wrenching sobs that tore through her body as she saw the house in the distance. The baby stared up at her mother with her mouth slightly open and a look of sadness in her eyes, almost as if she knew what was happening.

Arabelle climbed the steps to the front door and gently set Adalynn down on the mat in front of the door and kneeled down to kiss her forehead. She breathed in her daughters scent one last time before securing the blanket around her tiny frame and making sure the letter was visible before standing and knocking thrice on the door.

Arabelle let out another sob as she stared at her daughter one last time and sprinted down the steps, the sounds of her daughters wails following her as she hid behind a tree where the front door was still visible.


Nioklaus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he heard three loud knocks sound on his front door, followed by a loud scream.

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