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(Rewritten may 21st, 2017)

During my lovely almost three years as a Creepypasta fan on wattpad over seen quite a few creepypasta rant books. Being a very opinionated person myself I've decided to write my own. Or I guess, rewrite my own as of May 21st,2017.

I'll introduce myself quickly, I'm Six! I've been in the creepypasta fandom for almost four years now. Almost five actually. I like to consider myself a bit of a veteran of this fandom. Because I've been through a lot of shit. From bad OCs, rabid fangirls, the crisis when people wanted to shut down creepypasta from those two girls trying to kill their friend, the cringefest that was "our reality, your creativity." And so on. I'm not trying to say I'm the best oc maker, or best person in the fandom. I'm not. I've just been here a long time.

Now a bit of a warning, I don't proofread. I pride myself on my spelling and grammar so I often forget to check. Autocorrect likes changing things and I type very fast which leads to mistakes. So if you see any please tell me so I can fix them. As much as I try to force myself to proofread I always forget.

I may also get a bit rude or over the top in my rants and I apologize if anyone's feelings get hurt.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy my little book of rants!

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