Chapter 1: Future's Past and Present

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Young Justice, Any Characters, Videos, Images and Locations belong to their respective owners. Young Justice belongs to DC Comics and DC Entertainment, No Copyright Infringement Intended, Please Enjoy.
Clock Tower, Gotham City
July 12th 2020 EST.
(Red Hood's POV)
The world was crazy with so much going on that I couldn't even begin to describe it, but it was hellish enough that Barbara and I's current plan seemed to be the only not crazy thing to do. Using parts from Bart Allen's time machine we created our own version, the process took us the whole of 2019 to complete but with the final result I'd say it was worth it. The time machine Barbara dubbed a ' Chroniton Pendulum' which was fitting after she explained what it would do,
"Alright Jason, lets go over this one more time" Barbara says
"we've gone over this a hundred times" I state
"more like twenty times but this needs to be hammered home" she says
"go on then" I say
"this is a one use machine just like Barts, the difference is in its stability, once it gets you to the past it might jump again" Barbara explains
"if it's one use then why would it jump again?" I ask
"it's one use for humans, if you were to use it again it would destroy you" Barbara states
"that deadly huh?" I question
"yes, that deadly" she says " since it's so unstable all lines of communication won't be possible after you leave this time period" Barbara says
"I'll be alone in the past then" I say
"you'll be alone and your teenage self again" Barbara adds
"what do you mean?" I ask
"it will reverse your age by a few years and thanks to some tweaking it will stop a teenage years and won't further" Barbara explains " now what is your mission?" she asks
"my mission is to save Dick and stop the world from descending into hell, literally" I state as a flash of red lights up the sky outside.

  With the rundown done and out of the way I made my way into the time machine which was like a large cylinder, which Barbara claimed was for my protection, but as I'm about to close the door Barbara hands me the multiverse scanner,
"why are you giving me this?" I ask
"trust me Jason, take this and know that what ever happens we did good" she says
"you say that like things have gone from bad to shit" I state
"they have but don't worry this thing will protect you and I've uploaded all of my things to your holo - computer as you won't have me present" she says as she closes the door to the time machine " good luck, Jason" she says as she presses the button on her keyboard and the time machine starts up and within a few seconds I'm seeing red and white.
Crime Alley, Gotham City
January 10, 2008 EST.
The red and the white fade and the door releases to reveal Gotham City at night, looking over at the controls and a small screen I see that I'm in 2008 which would be two years before Young Justice first forms. Slowly stepping out of the machine I see that Barbara was right and I had deaged back to a teenager and if I where to guess I'd say around 13 which would work for now, as I turn around I see the time machine disappear which I mean Barbara did warn me it would happen and behind it I see Batman,
"Batman" I state
"yes" he says
"or should I say, Bruce" I say with a smirk
"what are you talking about?" he questions
"Bruce don't play dumb, I know you just saw me arrive here which means you know I'm not from this time period" I state
"it crossed my mind" Bruce says
"now that we're on the same page, I need your help" I say
"you're quick to jump into things" Bruce says
"I know, look the time period I come from isn't that far ahead from now but what happens is so devastating the not many people are around to try and fix it" I explain
"there's more isn't there?" he asks
"yeah, it's about Dick, he becomes a weapon for a powerful group of people and well it doesn't end well for a lot of people" I explain
"which comes first?" Bruce asks
"you believe me?" I ask
"it's hard not to after seeing you arrive here before my eyes" he says
"Dick's issue is first" I say as Bruce leads me out of the Alley
"what's your name?" Bruce asks
"my name is Jason Todd and I'm meant to be 22 but now I'm 13" I say
"well Jason, I'll take you back to the BatCave and you can tell me everything you can, Dick was injured the other night so he won't be in the Cave which will make things easier" Bruce says
"good, also just so you know, you adopted me in the future" I state as we arrive at the Batmobile
" I can do it again here in this time period but we may have to change your name on the documents as to not conflict with current information" Bruce says as we begin to Journey to the Cave, damn the city looked brighter then it had in the future.
Wayne Manor.
July 2011 EST.
It seemed the time to play dumb for Bruce and I were over officially now, the Light had Dick, they had my little brother and they were going to pay. Our mission now was to find Dick and bring him home before any damage could be done, the League of Assassins had taken him off the street and my bet they were at Nanda Parbat doing god knows what to him, as my thoughts wondered further and further Bruce came up to be and put a hand on my shoulder,
"it's time" he says
"I know" I say as I move with him to the BatCave, this was our mission now, save Dick, stop the Light and make sure they wouldn't be able to do this ever again, this was our mission. I just hope that we wouldn't come across anyone else on the way, but I bet I just jinxed us, well what ever awaited us we would be ready for them because I'm not going to stop until my little brother is home.


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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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Young Justice: Batman and The Court Of Owlsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें