chapter one

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It was a warm sunny day. I looked out my window and sighed "she's late". I walked to my mirror my cat ears white as snow one had a black bow on it. I grabbed my brush and started to brush my tail. A knock came to my door "who is it" I asked "m'lady Amelia is here to pick u up" My butler Mike said though the door. I grabbed my sword and walked to the carriage. My butler opened the carriage door for me "hi rosy" Amelia said "your late numnut" I said flicking her nose with my tail as I sat down. She shrugged her shoulders "sorry I forgot the time" I rolled my eyes at her. "Where are we going anyway" I asked glancing over at the girl sitting next to me. "To the phantomhive manor" Amelia said as she petted my tail. I raised an eyebrow "is that where finny is" I said with a smirk. She blushed a bright red " shut up" she said folding her arms. I laughed at her as soon as I stopped laughing she looked at me up and down " I like it dress such a nice color on you" she said I was wearing a black dress. "Though I would lose the sword that is hanging over your shoulder" she said looking at my sword that I carry almost around " not a chance" I said looking out the window. " why are we-EEK" I was cut off as Amelia started to pet my ears I let out a purr. "It's so cute the way you act when someone touches your ears" she giggled. I pushed her hand away "stop you know I hate when you do that" I hissed. She just kept giggling I sighed and looked back out the window I dosed off and fell asleep.
I woke to Amelia shaking my shoulder " rosy you lazy kitty we're here" I yawned and closed my eyes. " no I'm to cozy" I said " fine I'll just tell Sebastian to carry you" she huffed. Before I could say who someone picked me up I opened my eyes only to meet a handsome face red eyes bore into my green and blue ones. " hello m'lady " he said I blushed at how deep yet calm voice rumbled his chest. "H-hi" I said blushing harder "would you like for me to continue to carry you" he asked. "Oh no that's ok you can put me down" I said as he gently put me down. I was up to his chin so I had to look up at him. " sorry to ask but are they real" he asked "what" I said "your ears and tail are they real" he said looking at me up and down " Y-yes" I said cursing at myself for stuttering. "May I pet you " he asked making me blush more before I could answer a voice called " Sebastian what are you doing " I turned to see a cute little boy. He had blue hair and wore an eye patch 'aw how cute' I thought. Sebastian bowed to him " I was helping the guest my lord" he said. The Boy turned to look at me I smiled at him "hello my name is rosy" I said bowing to him. He was going to say something when someone yelled "AMELIA" I turned to see a blonde boy running are way "finny" Amelia said running to the boy . 'Oh boy' I thought this is going to be a fun day

(Hey I just wanted to say this is my first story so I hope u enjoy it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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