Are you there? (RapMon AU)

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Namjoon paced the floors of his apartment anxiously. He'd been waiting for 3 days to hear back on the status of his significant other, Y/N. Suddenly, a knock came at the door. He rushed over, throwing it open to find Jimin standing there. He sighed, wishing it was someone with any information on how his lover was doing.

"Joon, I brought you a drink. I thought it would be better than us going out." Jimin walked in, waving the bottle in his hand.

"Thanks," Namjoon took it, sitting down harshly in his recliner, "I still haven't heard anything." Jimin's face went portentous.

"I can drive you up there if you like. You're not in the right state to be behind the wheel." With a slight nod, Namjoon placed the drink in the fridge as him and Jimin left to visit Y/N.

Y/N had been hospitalized a few weeks ago for a mass found on her right lung. She can't breathe on her own, and is under almost constant supervision. For now, until the tests come back, Namjoon, along with everyone who knew Y/N, was playing a cruel waiting game. The entire ride to the hospital, Namjoon tapped on his phone screen nervously. It was about a 30 minute ride, and it had only just started.

Jimin and Namjoon were talking, when someone's phone was heard buzzing. Looking around frantically, it turned out to be Namjoon's. Jimin muted the radio, and let him have as much privacy as he could.

"Y/N?! You're awake enough to call me?! Are you okay?" He rushed, barely able to tie words together.

"Namjoon, it's Yoongi. You need to get here as soon as possible." The received clicked, leaving Namjoon's heart to plummet.

"Jimin, step on it." He ordered, Jimin now driving as fast as he could within reason.

At the hospital, Namjoon didn't bother with the elevator. Instead, he chose to rush up the 6 flights of stairs that was between him and Y/N. As he caught his breath at the 6th floor, his phone went off again. Another text under Y/N's name, but this time from Hoseok.

Namjoon, hurry.

This sent him into a full fledged panic, skidding down the tile halls and around corners until he saw her room, just across from the nurse's desks for that floor. It was slightly ajar, and murmurs could be heard from inside. Pushing it open, he noticed Hoseok, Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Seok Jin all in the room as well. How they all got there before him, he didn't know. Namjoon didn't care, either, since he was only here for one thing.

Y/N was lying covered in her bed, breathing assistance devices wrapped around her face entered through both of her nostrils. As she turned her head, her eyes sparked seeing Namjoon.

"N-Nam...joon..." She heaved, her lethargic arm struggling to raise itself.

"Y/N, I'm here. You don't need to worry. The doctors will fix you. You'll come home and we'll have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas together. See?" Namjoon held her hand, careful not to hurt her.

"I don't th-think so, Joon..." She coughed, causing blood to dot her lips.

Namjoon began to go clammy and shake. Jungkook ushered the rest of the boys outside the room and pulled it almost shut. Namjoon stood, pulling a chair over next to her bed.

"What do you mean? Of course you'll get better. That's why you're here, to get better!" He began to cry, but tried to not let his emotions get the hold of him.

"Joon, you need to face the facts. Yoongi had to call you today because even touching a phone shoots pain throughout me." Y/N lightly shrugged, shaking her head.

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