Chapter 1

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It was lunch for the Pureblood's, at St. Infigens Academy. The academy was tucked away in the mountains of a small island un discovered by humans. It house the Pureblood's, and the Sabanto's. The special thing about this school was it was home to what humans called vampires.

The vampires barely resembled those from stories that had been written. They appeared human, only felt slight discomfort in the sunlight, they were alive heart beat and all, they did sleep, and most importantly they could eat normal food, blood wasn't their only diet though it was the most satisfying.

Luna sat at the table looking off into the distance. She was staring out the window into the dark night sky. Luna notice a girl walking next to the window. Her aura was a dark blue which meant she was from the race known as Sabanto, but her aura was darker than the other Sabanto's.

The girl held a book in her hand, and was mouthing words. Words even Luna's highly trained ears couldn't hear through the glass.

The girl looked at Luna as if she knew someone was watching her, and it seemed as if the girls eyes were made of the most beautiful, but deadly crystals. The girl stopped and stared in confusion for a few moment.

Luna, entranced with the girl, brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. The girl continued walking and payed no mind to Luna, though it was common curtesy to at least bow your head to a Pureblood. Luna couldn't help but think about this particular Sabanto. Luna watched as she continued down the courtyard path to a small bench mostly hidden by vines and leaves. The girl sat on the bench, and continued to read as if she was unfazed by the look Luna had given her.

"Hey Roan?" Luna turned her head to look at the boy with shoulder length locks, his bangs were pinned back with a clip that kept the hair from his face. His eyes were the colour of the sun. They burned a brilliant yellow. He brushed his loose black locks behind his ear and smiled.

"What's up?" He asked. His voice was like silk, and almost every girl at the school would tremble upon hearing his voice. His arms draped over the boy to his right, Allen, and the girl to his left, Alex, they're his mates.

"Isn't it class time for those Sabanto's?" Luna's eyes glow a light white with each pigment resembling a scar on the moon. Alex looked away from her boyfriends for a brief moment, her dark purple eyes resembling a constellation. 

"They don't eat lunch for another period. Why do you ask?" Alex replied this time. Luna thought about dismissing it as a simple question, but she couldn't contain her wonder.

"There's a girl. She's got a blue aura, and she's outside during class time." Luna twirled her long black locks on her index finger, and blew her bangs with a small puff. They were once cut across her eyebrow line but had since grown too long, and occasionally impeded her vision.

"Oh you mean the Sabanto who has no respect for those greater than her." Vera stated from across the table. "You don't recognize her?" Vera had a questioning look on her face. Her emerald eyes staring into Luna's. She shifted in her seat and was sure to fix her brown locks a bit before continuing. "You know the freak?" Luna still looked puzzled, she was sure she'd never seen that girl before. "With the red eyes." Luna's memory finally caught up, and she remembered. She look at the courtyard, and saw the girl. She was a freak. 'The girl with the red eyes is a freak'.

When a human was turned to a Sabanto by a Pureblood they take on a dulled version of the Pureblood's eyes. Sabanto's were the servile race of vampires that only existed to serve Pureblood's. Sabanto's were there to protect and serve the Pureblood's who were born vampires, as both their parents were Pureblood's. The reason they took on that eye colour was a form of property marking. No Pureblood's had red eyes therefore no Sabanto family had red eyes. So the girl sitting on the bench was a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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