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To my black men.

Dont leave your home to go to the corner store at night.
Dont leave your home to go meet a friend.

Dont leave your home at all.

They're watching you. Plotting to accidentally kill you. They have no consequences, so be conscience. The goal for them is to see you filled up with bullets and drained of your life. They want no melanin, they want America white #again.

To my black men

Stop saggin

Stop bangin
Take care of your children
Be humble
Pray for forgiveness and clarity
Pray for strength, freedom and guidance.
Pray .

To my black men, women, sons and daughters
I love you.

I love the variations of your melanin.
I love you for your everyday struggle within.

Don't let them call you nigger/nigga.
Don't let them touch your hair.

Dont let them deduce your life by the music you listen too.

Officer Bob you're white.
White like a robe of a klans member. I believe you are a klans man

Officer timmy you look pale.
Pale like the bodies of the black lives that were taken from us.
Officer jim we know you're privileged,but stop killing my people freely to prove your point.

To my black people.
You arent a statistic,so stay in school

Respect all women,Respect all men.
Be obedient to the higher power.

To my black children.
Build a bond with me
Tell me your favorite song,food. What scares you? Who do you love?
So if your life was to be cut short I can know you. I can tell the world our bond.

To my black people we will rise.

-MayMay the Poet.

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