Going to class 3-E

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Today was the day, the day that they finally were able to get (y/n) to class 3-E without being stabbed. She had good grades but she was the toughest meanest most violent girl in the school. When they told her she had to go to classroom E she refused. So they tried to take her by force, she ended up stabbing them. The next day 3 police officers had to attempt getting her to go and the got shot in the eye with a very painful BB gun.

The third day they caught her off guard and put handcuffs on her when she wasn't looking. She was told about the classroom's teacher korosensei and was told that the students had to figure out a way to kill him. She figured they must have hated him because they called him an octopus. She didn't believe that he was really an octopus. The next day she was escorted to her new class by five police officers. She still had the handcuffs on her. When they got to the classroom she was told to introduce herself. "Students this is our new classmate (y/n) Zoldyck", korosensei said. You had to lift both hands and wave do to the handcuffs they put on you. All the students started to whisper about you. They all thought you were to dangerous to be around.

Nagisa's POV: Why does this girl have hand cuffs she doesn't look to dangerous to me but she does have five police officers with her. Maybe it'll be safe if we just get to know her. She probably is a nice person deep down.

3rd person POV: while no one was looking (y/n) slipped a grenade under korosensei's desk. It was filled with a poison that could only harm him. It was set to blow up in





A clear purple liquid poison covered the side of korosensei's body. All the tentacles on his right side dissolved and crumbled to the ground. "What the hell", people shouted in the classroom. You just had a devilish sinister smile on your face. "Was that you", korosensei asked. "Sure was", you said in a sly tone. "Woah she hurt korosensei", the whole class shouted. (Y/n) caught a certain red haired boy's attention. "Only Karma has been able to hurt him" "she made all of the his tentacles on the right fall off" "she's amazing", people kept talking about you. "Wow your the second person to ever harm me, but sadly you didn't not kill me", he said. "You may take a seat now there's a seat next to Karma", he said. The police officers held your arms in place while one took your handcuffs off.

"Who's Karma", you asked the teacher. He pointed him out and you sat next to him. "(Y/n) right? How did you do that", Karma asked. "I had a grenade in my hand the entire time. It was light so when I dropped it on the floor people wouldn't hear it. It was filled with poison only modified to kill him", you said. "That's awesome, so your sexy smart and badass. Your definitely gonna be mine", he said. "I have no intention on dating", you said. "That will have to change then", he said. "I doubt it will change but in the time it will take, how about we be friends", you said. "Fine with me", he said. "Now class, you should pack some clothes because next week we're going on a field trip to (name a place)", korosensei said.

Maybe I can make her fall in love with me on the trip. Karma thought. "If your thinking I will fall in love with you on the trip I'm not, sorry dude I'm just not into you yet", you said. "But I'm trying to get into your pants", he said slyly. "Never happening", you said blushing a little. ~after school~ "you know the drill (y/n) empty out your weapons", one of the guards said. You weren't aloud to be in public with anything that could be used as a weapon. you dropped everything you had. "Woah you've got guards", Karma said walking up to you. "Yeah my parents hired them to keep me out of trouble", you said.

"Alright put the cuffs on and we'll escort you home", the guard said. "Hey do you guys mind if I walk her home, I promise I won't let her get into any trouble", Karma said. "You may walk her home sir", the guard said. He took out the keys to the handcuffs and unlocked them. "See ya", you said meanly to the guards. You stuck out your tongue at them. "So what your whole deal", you asked Karma. He looked at you confused. "BAKA, I mean why do you want to escort me home", you asked annoyed. "Oh, well I can't make you fall in love with me if we're not together", he said smiling innocently. "I should have known you were gonna say something like that", you said annoyed. "Ok I have an idea, how about we ask each other questions", he said. "Ok", you said. "I'll go first, so why are you in the E class", he asked.

"Well I come from a family full of elite assassins the Zoldycks, we don't really communicate with the outside world but when my brother left he made me realize I could leave to. I came to this school to make friends. Turns out people in the A class don't tolerate people with a bad reputation so I became violent", you replied. "Ok my turn, why are you hitting on a girl you just met", you asked. "Cause, your pretty, smart, and badass. Oh and you have nice boobs", he said. "PERVERT", You blushed and punched him on his shoulder playfully.

Aaaaaaawwwwww, they're so cute for each other. Korosensei said from behind a bush.

"Umm alright well there's my house I guess I'll see you tomorrow", you said. He looked up at the huge place now as Kukuroo mountain. "Wow, anyways could I stay and mess around with you", he said suggestively. "I think they would kill you in ways unimaginable to human sorry", you said. "Can I get a kiss before I leave", he asked innocently. "Sure", you said. You kissed him on the forehead and went to open the gates to get the mansion.

"not exactly where I wanted the kiss but I still got one", Karma said to himself.

Your POV: "who was that", my brother Killua asked me. "A friend", I said. "I didn't know you kiss friends", Killua said suggestively. "Oh like how you kissed Gon", I said. A tick mark grew on his head. "That was by mistake and we swore never to take of it", he said. "Alright what ever I'm going to bed", I said walking away.

Sorry I'm not into you yet (karma x reader lemon)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat