Kendall Jenner's POV:

"Well guys, today we have an exiting day we are going to see Rob and China in their brand new home. " my mom says as all my sisters laugh or make snarky jokes and comments
" you guys China is now part of our family if you like it or not and even if we had past problems we should support your brother and stand by him with every decision he makes"
That shut everyone up.

As soon as we left the house we were mobed by a million paparazzi we just got into our cars and started driving.

As I was driving I saw something terrible next to my favorite mall there is an orphanage it's been there for ages now. Instead I see the old orphanage mother and a young girl who looks about 11 holding a crying baby that look not older then 1. To me they seemed starving dirty miserable.

I immediately stopped the car and approached them to see if I could help. I knew the orphanage mother she was an old family friend now I see here crying.

I ask her what's wrong and she tells me the whole mister me story:

The orphanage has no more money and the government doesn't want to help them financially because 1 the orphanage mother is old and 2 there are two more orphans left two sisters.

I turn around and see a sad scene a sister trying to calm down her younger sister but she knows deep inside that nothing is going to be alright .

Bible in this moment I do not know what I was thinking but I am happy I did what I did

" you know what this is insane, I go towards the two girls and bend and hug them both, if the government won't leave you alone and let you retire after all these hard working years where you took care of children and have them love and affection something they would never get I am going to give you a tiny bit of what you have the world and take these last  two kids under my wing and see what happens next"

Everyone looks at me shockingly , by this time my whole family was there and trying to help, even I was shocked by my own words by I wasn't going to take them back.

The little girls stops crying and her and her older sister look up at me both have hope and some sort of relief in their eyes.

Suddenly the orphanage mother comes at my feet and starts thanking me then God and crying my family helped her up they still all had shocked faces.

A couple of minutes later I signed all papers and the lawyers have token care off everything since they knew I would provide everything to these kids and  the government was sort of relieved because this was one less problem they had.

My mom takes me aside with my sisters "Kendall are you sure?"
"Kendall you are only 20"
Questions and doubts

"You guys I'm 20 have a successful career these kids have nothing they are not that young and I can do this "
I then turn to my mom
" a couple of minutes ago you were lecturing us about supporting family and decisions "

Then I turn to all of them
"You are my family are you going to have my back or not "
They all agreed

I then took both terrified girls and helped them in the car
" I'm going to mom's house "

"Wait no come to my house it's all kids stuff" kourtney says

" yeah I'll join I just need to get some stuff from my house for them " Kim says

"We will follow you there " mom, Kylie and khloe say

Wow my family was really behind me.

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