The speech (cut scene from ch. 5 Heart & Soul Forever)

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Blanda & Joe asked me & Nick to give speeches for the toast. I had no idea what I wanted to say & I struggled with it for weeks before the wedding. I decided to write mine down. As I looked over my speech, Nick snickered beside me. 

"You wrote yours down? You're supposed to speak from the heart." He said to me.

"It is from the heart, but I wanted to make sure I didn't mess up." I elbowed him. "We can't all be geniuses with words, like you, Nick Jonas."

Nick laughed & chugged a beer, someone had brought him. I took a deep breath. The drinking never bothered me. I didn't about drinking. I never craved alcohol like I did pills or cutting myself. I did dislike the smell of beer, however. I wrinkled my nose at Nick.

"Sorry. Is my beer bothering you?"

"No, it's not the beer. It's the beer breath." I gave him a look of disgust.

Nick watched me as he took a drink, smiling. "Good thing I won't be kissing you tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea. Good thing." Sometimes, he could be a real asshole. Of course, I secretly wanted to kiss his annoying mouth. I was in love with him. Even when he was an asshole, I loved him. He wasn't an asshole very often, thankfully. A part of me thought he was being a jerk tonight because he still had feelings for me & was trying not to show it. I could have my dreams.

It was time for the speeches & I was going first, which I was a little grateful for. I knew Nick would have some awesome words & I certainly didn't want to follow him. I stood up & took the microphone in one hand & held my speech in the other. Nick chuckled under his breath & I shot him an icy glare. 

"Joe you have been one of my best friends for years now. We even dated for a minute," I paused because most of the room laughed. "but it didn’t work out & now I know why. You were meant for Blanda. It was written in the stars. I am glad you found her, for my own personal reasons. Blanda has also become one of my best friends. Joe, you hit the jackpot when Blanda said yes to your proposal. She is one of the kindest, most down to earth, funniest, coolest & most talented people I have ever met. And Blanda, you became incredibly blessed when Joe asked you to marry him. He is a kind & gentle soul with a heart of gold & one of the funniest people I know. Your many decades of wedded bliss will be full of laughter. I have no doubt in my mind. I wish you all the best. I love you guys. Felicitaciones y los mejores deseos para ambos en el día de su boda." I took a deep breath, then added, "If you don't speak Spanish, what I just said was congratulations and warm wishes to both of you on your wedding day." The room clapped as I went behind Nick to hug Joe, then Blanda. Blanda had tears in her eyes & hugged me tight.

I handed the microphone to Nick as he stood. He gave me a sly smile & I gave him a playful dirty look. "Great speech, Dems. I hope mine can measure up." Nick cleared his throat before he began, "Joe, you’re not only my brother, but you’re also my best friend. I’ve looked up to you my entire life. I’ve never admired you more than I do today. You made a wise decision making Blanda your wife & I hope that I am as blessed as you were, in finding my own wife someday." My heart pounded as I listened to Nick speak. "I have written a lot of songs in my life & it doesn’t take much to inspire me, but your love is something I could always get inspiration from. The key elements are present, trust, honesty, friendship, spirituality, respect, communication, consideration, forgiveness, support, faithfulness, loyalty, patience, commitment & most importantly, love." Nick took a deep breath. When he said the word communication, he looked right at me. I was still shaking. I also couldn't believe he remembered all those words. How the hell did he do that shit? Nick continued, "You two are going to make it forever & I have to admit I am a little jealous. Love you both. Cheers." Nick held up his glass, as did everyone in the room, as we all toasted to the happy couple.

"Nice speech." I said to Nick as he sat back down after hugging Joe & Blanda.

"Thanks." He smiled at me. "I had mine memorized. I did write it down." He winked at me before downing the rest of his beer. I laughed, softly. Why did he have to be so adorable? This was going to be a long night.

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