Bella and Jacob: Eclipse

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Its been a while since I seen Edward Cullen but, my life has been great with Jacob. He makes me fil young not OLD. Even though he is a wolf I fill like I can live a normal life with him. Every time I am alone I think about hime all the time. He is my heart and nothing will break us up.

So what do you want to eat when we get to my house.

I would like chicken, mash potatoes, mac and cheese, pizza, and anything you have in your house.

Jake you won't have that nice eight pack forever.

Just as we were about to pull up to my house I see Alice, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward.

Alice whats going on?

First Bella, you must tell me how you are still alive. You tried to kill yourself by jumping off that cliff.

Alice it was cliff diving, now what is going on

Edward jumped in

Bella, Victoria is coming with an army to kill you.


Jacob was out the truck and was walking toward me. Then he took my hand and said to me.

I have to go tell Sam and the guys that the Cullens are back and they are coming for you. I will be back latter. He kissed me on the forehead and run into the forest.

That explains the smell of dog on you Bella, said Alice.

The next morning, I woke up and saw Jacob in my room.


Bella, the wolves need to talk to the Cullens. We need to think about how we are going to fight this blood-suckers army. So can you call Alice and ask her if they can meet us in the center of the forest.


So I called Alice and she said Ok. So then I went down to Jacobs house and told him that they said OK.

The Forest

When I drove up everyone was their. I went and stood by Alice. We waited fir the wolves to come. Finally they came, Jacob right behind Sam.Edward said that the wolves did not want to be in their human form. Each wolf came up and smelled the Cullens. They skiped over me and went straight to Alice. The Clllens Started to show the wolves how they were going to fight. Jacob came up to me and I rubbed his nice soft hair. In the corner of my eye I can see Edward looking like he wanted to kill Jacob. Jacob seen it to and he walk away. Edward came up to me and said, Bella you go from vampire to wolf, I know you don't really like him. I can hear your heart beat faster when you see me.

Edward, You left me and I moved on. You had me but you let me go. I loved you with all my heart and would have died for you. Jack was my friend, he still is but the difference between now and then is I get to kiss him anytime I want.

( AN: My next Chapter is coming soon)

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