Not Forever

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Wade Loved Peter to no end. The way the hazel-eyed boy would gaze at him happily. Without judgment.

Peter never cared about the scars. He would trace over them delicately with his soft, tender touch while Wade would run his fingers through the brown, fluffy hair of his Petey. 

[ No time to think of Petey now! We just got shot in a place to close to Jr. for comfort!] Yellow snaps Pulling Wade from his thoughts. 

Deadpool pulls the trigger on the pistol to end the life of one of the guards. Three more gunshots and they were all out for the count. Now only his Target remained on the other side of the door. He walks silently down the hall to said door. He cringes slightly when the hinges squeak as the door is swung open. 

" Who's there? Bridges that you? I've been waiting too long. Where's your report?" A man asks not looking up from something held in his hand. 

(Target acquired)  

[ Oh would you just shut up.]

Deadpool wasn't in the mood to be funny. He just wanted to get this job done and leave. He didn't want to speak believe it or not. 

The Man looks up angrily when he isn't answered. The look of anger quickly dissipates to terror when he is face to face with the barrel of a gun. The trigger is pulled before anything can be said. Evidence of the job is quickly collected by the Merc as proof the job was done. 

( Well that was boring . . . why didn't you use a katana if we were going to be so boring? At least let us see his guts spill as a makeup for the lack of entertainment from the Merc with a mouth.) White whines.

[ Shut up. You're SO annoying. Did you already forget the reason why nothing was said?]

( . . . ) 

[ Of all people I could have gotten stuck with and it had to be you. Why does the universe hate me?]

" I ask my self the same quite often. "

( Correction. The multi-Universes.) 

[ Oh, shut up. Just because you correct me once doesn't make you-]

" Both of you shut up." Deadpool snaps. 

" Hey. You okay?" Deadpool freezes and looks up and down the hall. There isn't anyone there except the four dead guards.

[ Three bodies. Then that guy. ] 

Deadpool watches one of the corpses sit up. A very apparent and not so survivable bullet wound on their chest. The blonde looked up at him with sharp, cold eyes. 

" Thanks by the way. You saved me a lot of time by killing him. Bridges by the way." The man stands and offers a hand. 

( Wait I totally thought we shot this guy. And wasn't he a brunet earlier too? )

" Just a hallucination," Deadpool says turning away from the man back towards the exit. 

( Now that I actually think about it we are way too hooked on the JW  Fanfic. We just saw the actual guy Bridges from that thing. Wonder if Ramano is next.)

[ I'd rather see Elise or Small One. Even if she tried to kill us the second she saw us.

( I could totally pass up the opportunity to meet Rexy though. Or Sobek for that matter.)

Deadpool nods in agreement as he continues walking. Glancing back once to see that there was, in fact, four dead bodies lying in the hallway in crimson puddles. 

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