The Seven Villains

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"KA-BOOM!" A loud explosion shook the city of Seoul; Screams were filling the air. The sky was somehow turned a deep blood-red color. What was it? Who was it? "HAHAHA!" An ominous cackle came from a rooftop. "People of Korea! Bow down, for we are the Baddest, most ruthless Villains alive!" A voice from the rooftop boomed. A crowd of people looked up to the darkened sky. Standing there, was a six foot tall dark figure, with eyes glowing a bright red. A news reporter started questioning the figure. "Who are you? What are you? What do you want from us?" He tried his best to yell out over the helicopters circling the area. The figure chuckled evilly. "We are, none other than VILLAIN BLOCK B! And we want to be in full control!" The dark figure responded. The crowd of people cowered in fear. "What did you mean by we? I only see one of you!" Says a policeman stepping out from behind the news reporter. The figure snapped his fingers, from behind him six other figures appeared. A choking gas grenade was thrown into the crowd by one figure. Everyone fell to the ground coughing and passing out. "YOU DON'T WANT TO MESS WITH US, YOU WILL REGRET IT!" Another dark figure yelled out. The whole crowd was knocked out. "Hear our warning! Get in our way, you WILL suffer the consequences!" The first dark figure yelled out to the immobile crowd. The helicopter's lights shown onto the Villains, they resembled similar characters. "GET THEM!" The SWAT team in the helicopters called out. They climbed down from a ladder onto the roof. "Hey, Let them catch us, I've had a grudge with one of them for years; don't worry, I got a plan up my sleeve" The Leader of the Villains grinned evilly.

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