Short Goodbyes

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He stood next to me, as I stood in total fear. At first, all I saw was a metal object, then I was back in that little café.

Three years ago, I was working at a café in Chicago. One day, Kaylee, my manager, was restocking the cups when we heard the bell attached to the front door sing it's chime as someone walked in. I was pouring one of my regulars another cup of coffee and said over my shoulder, "I'll be right with you." I turned around and scanned the room for the new face. He was a tall white man, broad shouldered, in an army green uniform. He stood about six feet tall and had a buzz cut I had seen a few other army guys had. "Hi, my name is Addilyn..." I began as he looked at me with those deep blue eyes and a slight smile slid across his face. I could feel the goose bumps forming against my dark skin as I stood there: unable to take my eyes away. "I'll be your server today."

He smelled like the perfect blend of freshly cut grass and homemade cookies, which sounds weird-I know. "Hi Addilyn. I'm Jaxon." Some customers would introduce themselves, but none like this. "Would you like to sit down?" he said, gesturing to the empty seat across from him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kaylee. "You're off the clock, sweetheart." I knew I still had fifteen minutes, but the look in her eyes told me she had some crazy idea. I sat down and we talked for what felt like hours.

We ended up exchanging letters while he was on tour in Iraq. Six months later, he was on leave and we were married. Here we are three years later at a gas station in Alabama with our daughter, Bella, in her car seat, staring down the barrel of a gun. The man was dressed in blue jeans and a flannel shirt. A badge hung from his belt loop, and glared in the sun. I didn't know what to do as tears streamed down my face. I looked to Jaxon, and I saw tears were forming in his eyes. His eyes told me he knew something I didn't. "I don't know what you think you you're doing with that women there..." The man began. Jaxon took a step forward and stood directly in front of Bella and I.

Jaxon began to speak. "This is my wife, Addilyn, we were just visiting some family in town." When he said this, the man became more and more infuriated. I tried not to focus on Jaxon or the man with the gun. My eyes traveled to the door of the convenient store and I saw the dark-haired woman that had been behind the counter just minutes ago, with a phone up to her ear. Cars that were driving down the ramp, exiting the highway into the small town, began to slow as they began to recognize what was happening. As the fire grew in the man's eyes I saw the look on Jaxon's face grow anxious. The man didn't seem to be hesitant with the gun. I tugged at Jaxon's sleeve like a little kid, trying to get him to pull back, but he stood his ground and didn't move an inch. Bella was still crying, but there was nothing I could do.

It all happened so fast yet it felt like slow motion. First I heard the wailing of the sirens and could see the flashing lights out of the corner of my eye. Jaxon was talking to the man with the gun pointed at his head as the police surrounded the parking lot. I couldn't make out what they were saying through all the chaos. I recognized the next sound in an instant, but I couldn't believe it. There was a loud pop and Jaxon fell back. I ran to him. There was blood everywhere, I was going to go to him, but I heard another loud pop and all I felt was numbness. Everything was hazy, but I felt something in my hand-it was Jaxon-creeping over to touch my hand. The next thing I heard was one of the uniformed officers talking to the man who had a gun."You got the nigger and the nigger lover." I thought that since the police came Bella would be safe but after hearing that I lost every ounce of hope. I felt a tear fall down my face and looked to Jaxon and heard him in a small voice, whisper "I love you." I heard the pain is his voice. Every second after that, I could feel my body inching away, until everything faded to nothing.


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