Tagged: 13 things about me

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Welcome to this presentation of 13 random facts about me!!! We have been placed under this wager by none other than nightfurygirl12. Curse her name 😫😫

Anyways, LETSAGO!

1. I am a dinosaur nerd. I studied them basically since I was a baby. I know a lot of facts, so feel free to quiz me :)
2. I am a basically a country music almanac. I only need a few seconds to listen to a country song and I can tell you the artist and the name of the song.
3. I have two biological sisters, both older than me by at least 7 years. I am the center of teasing 😓
4. I have 1 non-biological sister (older than me), and 4 non-biological brothers (3 older, 1 younger).
5. I have mild autism. I am a social outcast because of it...
6. I make dubstep and country music.
7. I love wolves. Timber wolves are life.
8. I am currently dating someone.
9. I can play guitar (acoustic and electric)
10. I am a gamer (creative and FPS)
11. I can't go to sleep without a fan blowing. Even if it is 30 degrees in the house, I need a fan on...
12. I have extreme sensitivities, yet I can hardly hear people talk....
13. I love to draw and do photography aside from my writing

I have no one to tag.... :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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