part one : one

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i threw my hair up into a bun, tying it rather loosely but not caring. i swiped my cigarettes from the table and unlocked my door and walked outside into the crisp night air. i sat down on the small sidewalk near my apartment complex and lit the cigarette.

my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. i held my cigarette in my mouth as i answered it.

"Hi Richard what do you want" i said continuing my cigarette. 

"me and the band are in new york-"

"Rick i live in Boston"

"i know but its only like a hour away"  he whined i rolled my eyes. "how long are you gonna be there?" i asked

"a few days we have a show tomorrow"

"okay well see ill text you later" i hung the phone up and threw my cigarette on the concrete. i was about to walk back to my apartment but a mans voice was heard. "thats dangerous you know" he said , i turned around. a man with blonde hair sweaped across his Face smirked and brought a cigarette up to his mouth one last time.

"you should step it out, like this" he dropped his and stomped on it. "it also helps with anger" he told me with a smug look. "well mister lets save the planet! i have to get ready for my job where i actually do save people" i rolled my eyes and walked back into my house.

in case you where wondering im a doctor a surgeon to be exact.

i changed into skinny jeans and a tank top considering i took a shower when i got off 5 hours ago. i know i know i should probably take one. oh fuck it i will. i rushed into the bathroom and stripped of my clothes and undergarments turned on the water and took a rather quick shower not washing my hair because i didnt have time and i simply didnt want to to be wet for work.

i dried off with my supply of towels outside my bathroom door and changed back into my skinny jeans and tank top. swiped my phone and my keys off the table and went out the door being sure to lock it. There i saw the tall tattooed man still standing smoking another cigarette. i rolled my eyes and paced towards my car at the bottom of the hill. "where are you going?" he asked as he walked alongside of me.

"to work" I doubt he had a decent job. "where do you work?" he questioned. "Boston memorial" i muttered. "oh cool you know my friend Ryan is there" he stated. "good for you" i got into my car and locked the doors and vigorously drove away.

As soon as i got to work i changed into my scrubs tied my hair up and found my attending.

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