The OC Bio

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Name: His Name Is Crimson

Age: He Is 15

Color: He Is White

Race: Human

Occupation/Setting: He Is a Student at beacon, or at least was before the accident tore him from his team, CRYE. He Is now looking on his own for survivors, clearing out the Grimm from beacon, and seaking revenge.

Gender: Male

Appearance:  Ok here's where the details start - He Is Kindoff on the shorter side. He Is Slightly More Strong Then Others, He has Firey Red Hair. He walks with confidents. And Has Brighter Than Bright Blue Eyes

Clothing - Ok here we go-

He has a black cloak thats kidoff torn. Underneath that he wears a black and leather suit with a metal charm of a Grimm on it. He wears Black Combat Boots. He Wears Bright Red pans[semi tight] He has a charm necklace with a locket with pictures of his mother and him on it, and he keeps this on at all times. 

Personality: Alright so, Hes More off an upbeat happy type person. Talks with a cheery voice that can sometimes be annoying. But when he needs to be he can be as serious as a heart attack. 

His Highest Virtue is Hope, He will never let his guard down at any point or any time.

Although he has hope, he lacks To Find Power due to love, once he finds someone he loves, it will be all he thinks about, hell cry over it, he'll get so detracted his teammates almost died at one point. After That He made a promise to never Find love again....until hr found Ruby...But thats for another fan-fic im going to wright. 

He has High Hopes and plans to become a successful Huntsmen with his friends. He has trouble keeping track of his studies because of his silliness and lack of entertainment.

Hes not one to back out of a fight, ever, even if it means to risk his own life. Hell see any fight through till the end.... unless his teammates or friends pull him out of it.

Everyone seems to like him.

Skills and Abilities:  Ok so, He Is a Born Leader without knowing it, his voice and actions could lead an army. He is great at Meiduim ranged combat. And he Is very powerful with his semblance. 

Weapon(s) and fighting style:

Ok so this is a bit complected for some so bear with me on this one.

So his Melee component is a Long Thick Metal Red And Black Stick, That Extends into a double sided synth, each blade reversing the other. each side and shoot out 30 caliber rounds.

 He created It By hand at the age of 9, and kept it ever since.  

This weapon need very high agility and precision to use.

He calls it: Rebler [Red Blur]

He also keeps a Bright Red combat knife as a backup

His fighting style is Very fast and quick, but yet very fluid and precise. He charges into battle with a running start the will leap and fly/spin through the air like a [Red Blur]

 on the battlefield, in a matter of seconds the battlefield will be full of deceased Grimm.

Aura/Semblance:  His Semblance Is Quite Unique, He can only activate it once he has been overfilled with negative emotions.

He Will Have bright red glowing eyes and will possess, agility strength precision timing and endurance like no one has ever seen before, but it does last a limited time [about 30-50s]

Backstory/History OK so leading up to current events:

He Had a family of a mother and father, His father was a Grimm, but a rare breed of Grimm that behaved as a werewolf, the rest of the time he was a loving father, eventually he lost control and killed his wife, Crimson ran away as his mother screamed "Go To beacon! You'll be safe there!" so he went, joined team CRYE and was appointed leader, he went on with his schooling up until the events in V3 happened. Then He began cleaning the streets like some sort of vigilantly.

Team: He Was The Leader Of Team CRYE

Fanfiction: None yet ;)

Themes: The Color Red

Quotes: "I will avenge you mother, after what dad did to you, if i can even call him my dad....."

"I Smell Tacos!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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