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I never really thought he would go after the man who caused him so much pain...

But who was I to determine what he wants?

I was just trying to help him turn away from the path of revenge... it's a really, really dark path.

And, if the only thing he uses when he tries to walk the plank is himself, he won't make it.

If someone were to guide him, tell him where to step, when to stop, wouldn't that be better than toppling over?

But I was wrong!

I was wronged! He will use his eyes--his oh-so-special eyes of his, and march on, not caring whether he falls or not but he will just climb back onto his feet once more and continue to walk blindly until he reaches the wrong end.

And as his friend, I will NOT let that happen!

I swear!

I swear on the name Narumi Uzumaki, dattebayo!


Sasuke Uchiha toppled over and spit out a bit of blood on the blond's headband. He cringed as he continued staring at his best friend's unconscious face from this close distance.

He soon got up and left. He turned to look at her one last time, before he hesitated to leave.

As he walked away, or limped away, he clenched his hands and grit his teeth. Why did I hesitate to leave? I already cut my ties with them. They will do nothing but drag me down, I know this, so why did I hesitate? Questions swarmed his head as he left.

He soon left the area. Kakashi arrived no sooner than Sasuke had left.

"Gomen... Narumi." Kakashi apologized quietly and with so much sorrow. He then took the whiskered girl in a bridal style hold and leaped away.

The Copy Ninja had his guard low, believing that if he moved fast, he would simply be able to evade any incoming attacks--but because of this, he had missed the pair of eyes eyeing him.

"...Narumi, huh? What a weird name for your daughter, Minato." A messy haired man grinned, brown eyes lit up with excitement.

He had just found some entertainment. I mean, sure, his son's antics were funny, but the more, the merrier, right?


Narumi sighed sadly. It was quite weird to see the usually happy-go-lucky girl be all--what's the word? Not youthful and weirdly silent.

The door opened, revealing a green eyed girl with pink hair, who was frowning.

"Na...Narumi..." She mumbled and her frowned deepened as she caught sight of the bandages wrapped all over her teammate.

The blonde stared at the pinkette for a little longer, before her expression morphed into her usual grin. "Gomen, Sakura-chan! But I will bring that bastard back! No matter what! I promise, and I never go back on my promises! That is my Ninja Way!" She exclaimed with a thumbs up.

Sakura Haruno smiled softly at her friend.

They continued to talk, and talk, and talk. Sakura basically lectured Narumi about being so reckless--she was secretly worried about her too. But she soon had to leave due to visiting hours being over. They waved 'good bye' and that was it.

Narumi sighed heavily as she could no longer sense the pinkette. She flopped onto her fluffy pillow, and stared at the white hospital ceiling. She covered her eyes with her bandaged arm. I am not weak, I just wasn't strong enough--but I will get stronger!  She clenched her fist.

"I'll get stronger... that's a promise..." She whispered to no one but herself. The blond Jinchurikki then allowed herself to fall into a deep sleep.

And a few hours later, a man appeared before Narumi's door. He twisted the door knob and entered the dark room, he switched on the lights, waking Narumi up from her slumber.

" it already morning?" She mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

The man had a smirk on.

As soon as Narumi got the sleep out of her eyes, she turned to the window. Seeing that it was still dark out, she turned to see whoever awakened her. And her eyes fell on him.

With the man's eyes shadowed and his body and hair covered with white and gray clothing, she couldn't the man's face. His very presence seemed non-existent as well, but the fact that Narumi was seeing him with her own cerulean eyes proved he was there--that he was real.

"Wh-who are you?!" She exclaimed, ready to stand and fight, despite the fatigue she felt all over her body.

Geez, willpower is scary!

"Woah, kid. I'm not here to hurt you, just here to tell you something." The man said nonchalantly, making Narumi relax in the slightest, but she was still ready for action.

"Right, I'll go straight to the point. If you want to get strong, get out of this place and become a Hunter." The man said.

"Hunter?" Narumi whisper.

"Yeah. The benefits are great and you can get money real quick, plus the exams are hard as hell making it perfect training. Head to Whale Island within three days, don't get there on time, miss the boat, don't be a Hunter. But, I'm telling you Hunters are considered powerful, and are powerful--well, most are, some just got lucky. Hurry and prove to yourself that you're hella strong. By passing the Hunter Exam, and becoming one hell of a Hunter."

Narumi blinked owlishly at the man. She got the main point of what he said, but how the heck is she supposed to know that what he's saying is true? She narrowed her eyes at the man.

"If you don't believe me or want more information, then just check this out." The man handed her a book--a magazine type of book to be more precise. As Narumi looked at it strangely she opened her mouth to ask a question--but before she did, she looked up, paused, and groaned;

"Where the hell did that guy go? Who was he in the first place?"

She just sighed and began reading a folded page, which she assumed was what she was supposed to read.

Hunters are skilled at many things. Many Hunters categorize themselves, while other just go with what they want with no objective in mind.

I have gathered my examiners and the Hunter Exams are about to start soon. Lots of people are getting ready and are hoping to pass. (hopefully)

-Netero, Chairman of the Hunter Association.

This caught Narumi interest. And not just that. It might be a challenge--a really, really fun challenge!


Here is the short prologue for the story of which I am in the making of! Hope you liked it and please:





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