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" know I have to leave." His deep blue eyes softly glazed at her light chocolate brown eyes.

"But..what if you never come back..what if you end up dying." Her croaky voice trailed off. She sadly stared at the hard concrete ground.

"Hey don't say that..please understand I have to do this." His warm fingers gently touched the bottom of her chin, bringing her chin up to his light blue eyes. "Please think positive, love. And don't forget to smile every once in awhile."

She slipped her arms under his underarms giving him a hug. "I love you so much. You helped me learn so much about myself and...I-I don't know what I would do without you." She placed her face on his shoulder.

He smiled sadly and dug his face in her shoulder. "Hey, I have an idea. "He softly whispered into her small ear. She gently nodded her head signaling that he had her attention . "Why don't we have a picnic right now." She lightly moved her head from the embrace and grinned softly. " Great! I'll pick you up at 6:30."

She pulled away and pulled a handkerchief from her purse and softly pressed it on her eye. "Okay. I'll bring the desert!" A weak smile grew on her face.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her up and swiftly gliding her through the air. "Nope honey! I'll bring everything and the desert!" Before she could say anything he brought her back to the ground and tenderly pecked her on the cheek. "Oh, one more thing, Maria I love you."

Maria opened her small brown drawer near her flowered bed. "I can't believe he's leaving to go and fight in the war. This may be the last time we see each. What if this picnic is his way saying goodbye?" Maria thought to herself as she scanned around the cabinet for a black heart shaped necklace in a sea of white pearls. "Got you." Maria picked up the pearl from the drawer and brought it to her neck and clipped it on her neck. As she noticed big black book in inscribed with 'Our Memories.' She smiled and flipped to the 1st page 'Our first date.' "Oh boy, I remember this." She laughed at the picture.

"MARIA! GREG IS HERE!"A loud voice boomed throughout the house.

"Jacob tell him I'll be down there in just a bit.'' In the picture there's a young man with blonde hair gripping a gray hat in his right hand with an amused face, behind him was a large crystal blue river and it was clearly seen that they were on a mountain. On the other side was young women sitting down with semi curly hair wearing a black necklace shaped as a heart. A red checkered picnic cloth was underneath the couple and the picnic cloth was filled with many yellow baskets that were on top of the cloth. In the middle of them is a small boy with jet black hair and with a big grin displayed on his face. The little boy hands seems to be placed on the young man and young girl's shoulders.

Maria tenderly stared at the picture. "Oh how Jacob ruined our first date but at least in some way it was enjoyable.Hm.. our first date was a picnic and so is our last." Just that thought made Maria cringe. Tears splashed and plopped down on the page. She immediately closed the book of memories and placed it back to the open drawer... She closed her eyes and meditated for a while. "Maria control yourself. Breathe in and breathe out. Do not let your nerves get the best of you. I must be strong for him.'' She opened her brown eyes and ran to grab a mirror from her bathroom, which was past the drawer to a blue door. Once she had the mirror in her hands she raised the black mirror up to her eye level. ''Nope my eyes are good. There not puffy at all or red. Good.''

"MARIA!'' Jacob yelled louder.

''Poor Greg he must be losing his sense of hearing with all of this yelling. .'' She walked from the bathroom and to her main door. As her fingers lightly touched the doorknob "Oh my! I forgot a dash of perfume.'' She walked back to her drawer and pulled small red bottle. She quickly sprayed three drops on her long sleeved red dress brought out her youthful spirit. Her hair was curled a little, mostly on the tips of her auburn hair. Her tan complexion brought out her reassuring light brown eyes with a tint of recklessness and mischievous. Maria then walked down stairs to meet her beloved.

"I'm so sorry that I took to long." She said looking on the ground  as she laid her small feet on the ground. She looked up to but she didn't see Greg. "Jacob what did you do?"

Jacobs laughed hard and said " What do you mean what I did? I'm not that malicious! He left you because you were taking too long!"

Her eyes widen she didn't believe her brother for he was a big liar. "Jacob please tell me the truth.''

Jacob slapped the side of his temple and replied "Okay! I am trying to lighten this mood! You and Greg both have such a negative aura. I can't take it!"

Maria stomped her foot " For God sake, Jacob! Of course we're sad are you not? Now, tell me where he is!" 

"Okay, Okay. I got the message...or did he leave you a message." Her brother raised his left eyebrow.

"What? Jacob please be clear." "Sis, he left you a message. There're messages scattered all around

town and you must find them all! After you find all of the clues you'll arrive at the picnic and meet Greg there." 

"Jacob you're not pulling my leg are you?'' Her brother shook his head and handed his sister the first message.

"Nope! Now Maria go look for your boyfriend!"

Maria's eyes scanned the little piece of paper that said 'We're forever young. Forever young.' "What

does this mean?"

Her brother shook his head "Sorry sis I can't say that I know. Greg said all of the messages were only

things that you can understand. But I can tell you it's a big place that will always get attractions from

many people."

"Oh! I think I know where it is! Thanks little brother! Are you going to come with me?"

He shook his head and grinned, "Nah...this is your special moment and besides I already went to one

of your dates...a long time ago."

Maria laughed '' I was so mad but I do admit you helped relieve awkward tension between us .Okay well I'll be leaving. Take care.'' She gave her brother a little kiss and she went outside running to start this game. "I can't believe she doesn't think I won't miss him. I see him as brother...well he will be..soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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