Into the Future!

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 Dipper and Mabel Pines sat outside their Grunkle Stan's Mystery Shack. The sky was a bright blue and the forest leaves rustled in the light breeze.

Dipper watched as his sister cuddled with Waddles the pig. Ever since they had stolen Blendin Blandin's (or whatever his name was) time travel measuring tape and messed around so Mabel could win Waddles, the two twins had been thick as thieves.

Stretching, Mabel turned to her brother. "Don't you wish that summer would last forever?" asked the 12-year-old girl.

Dipper shrugged. "I just wish that we never had to leave Gravity Falls..."

"Guess what I have, bro-bro?" Mabel grinned devilishly as she pulled what appeared to be a tape measure from her pocket. She held out the seemingly innocent object as Dipper stared.

"Where did you get that??" Dipper gasped, grabbing the device. It was labeled 'Enhanced Time Travel.'

Mabel shrugged. "That weird time-dude dropped it and he never picked it up. Why?"

Dipper shook his head, still too in shock to speak. Pressing a button, he pulled out a length of the tape. "Wanna go on an adventure?" Mabel nodded with glee and, clapping her hand on top of the little box, the twins disappeared.


In a flash of white light, Dipper and Mabel landed on a hard metal surface. Groaning, they sat up and glanced briefly at their surroundings. Looking around, there was no sign of the tape-measure-like box that had brought them there. "Oh no..." murmured Dipper.

He turned and saw a hand held out straight at his face. Screaming, he scampered backwards.

"Wh- who are you?" he asked hesitantly, staring up at the strange girl offering him a hand up.

She laughed. "You must be new around here. I'm Cleopatra, but call me Cleo."

Mabel jumped to her feet and smiled. "I'm Mabel! It's nice to meet you!" She pulled her brother off of the floor. "This is my brother, Dipper." Abandoning her twin, she rushed to the nearby window, her brother slowly following her.

"Whoa. Where are we?" cried Mabel, staring at the shiny metal buildings and flying vehicles zooming around

Cleo smiled. "This is the planet Mayet, in the Ailuros system. This specific building is part of Yasiro Academy. Where did you think we were, anyways?"

Dipper gasped. "We're... we're on a whole different planet! Oh Mabel, this is bad, this is bad..." He pulled out Journal 3 and began leafing through it. "Interplanetary travel, interplanetary civilizations..." Dipper paused and glanced up at Mabel. "There's nothing in here," he whispered quietly, tucking the journal back into his vest.

"Wait, where are you guys from again?" asked Cleo.

Mabel grinned. "We're from Earth, the year 2012!" She bounced around the room, swinging her grappling hook. "Grappling hook!!" As she swung it around, Mabel accidentally pushed the button, causing the hooked claw at the end to shoot through a window. She cast an apologetic look at her brother, who sighed and facepalmed.

Cleo stared at Dipper. "I'm from Earth too... This strange enchanted tablet brought me here from Egypt, but my time is long before yours. Anyways, this place is millennia in the future from where the rest of my family lives." She fiddled with her hair as she spoke, adjusting her snake headdress.

"Are you Cleopatra VII? As in, the one who ruled Ancient Egypt?" Dipper had whipped out a notebook and was hurriedly writing everything their current host was saying.

Cleo nodded. Gesturing to the rest of the corridor the twins had landed in, she smiled once more. "Apparently so, although I'm still just fifteen and I've never had the crown on my head.. Hey, I can show you guys around. Maybe the council will even let you stay here for a bit!"

Dipper quirked an eyebrow. "What council?" He had paused his writing, pen hovering over the paper hesitantly.

Cleopatra's laughter rang like a bell through the silent halls. "Oh, you have so much to catch up on!" Taking the twins by the hand, she led them into the world of the academy and a brand new adventure.

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