Chapter One: Ranting

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Everyone has that someone that makes everything better, but they also can make everything worse. Staring that person in the eyes and somehow you forget all the bad, baggage and bullshit.

Today was our "one month anniversary" and of course we're not together. Fourth time this month. I swear I'm getting sick of this shit. As usual I'm waking up alone but for the life of me I cant figure out why because we were JUST good less than a week ago. What's going on in that tiny ass brain of hers? She called around 9 o'clock that night and gave me her predictable reasoning about how she "needed space" "we were moving too fast". She always does this thing where she's like, "do you love me?" And gullable me says, "yes I do" amd then she sucks me in with the whole "If you love me you'll give me time." Honestly, I don't even know if i do anymore. She says she has trust issues but she's the one doing the untrustworthly shit man. I can't do this anymore, it's either get it together or get out of my life.

Last week we were having sex and this triflin ass motherfucker called another females name. DO YOU KNOW HOW MAD I WAS? But, I didn't make a scene. I just got the fuck up and left. I refused to speak to her for over a week until one night popped up at my house and gave me some "forgive me" slow and wet head. I can't deny it, the girl has skills. I just can't keep going through the same ole same ole because the sex is good. Although, that's not a bad idea.

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Today i went to work and she blew my phone up, but she had to wait. I didn't have the time or energy to discuss what ever the fuck it was. 20 minutes later she's standing there. STASIA IS AT MY JOB IN ALL HER GLORY. Oh my lord. Why me? It was almost time for me to clock out so i told her to wait for me at the food court.

"Andrea, why have you been ignoring my messages?"
" Because I'm grown and don't have to respond" I replied, rudely.
"Okay, touchè. But I just wanted to tell you....."
I interrupted her.
"Stasia, quite frankly I don't give a damn and I dont want to hear anymore excuses."

Stasia was quiet for a moment but next thing i know she said, "fuck you bitch" and threw her freezing cold lemonade on me. Ughhhhhh she so lucky I couldn't kick her ass like I wanted to because I was still in the same building as my job.

All I could think about on my way home was karma biting her in the ass.

Thank you guys for reading the first  chapter of my book 💚. Don't forget to Comment and Vote. Every read, like, comment, and vote is well appreciated. I have chapters 2 & 3 finished, just need to publish. Let me know if you want to read more. 😉

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