getting ready

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"Oh come on [Y/N]! Could you please hurry up?" He whined through the door.

"Not until I find something to wear! I gotta look good you know!" You replied through the door.

"But you always look good baby."

"Awww. Not gonna work though. Nice try." You laughed.

"Ugh. Worth a shot." He said sounding defeated.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, not quite sure whether this would be the right outfit or not.

You stepped out seeing his tired/impatient face, "You look great babe."

"Are you sure? I was thinking it'd be a little too hot for this."

"Nah. Come on. It looks great. Let's go!" He said wanting to leave.

"No. Nope. Not this one." And you went back to switch into a different outfit, "I have a better one." You called out.

"Dammit [Y/N] we're gonna be late."

"Don't worry. It'll be quick. I know the exact outfit."

And you put it on.

"Fine. But it's not my fault that we're gonna be the last ones to show up."

You checked yourself out once more in the mirror, liking what you saw.

"Okay, we can go now I think." You said patting your clothes down as you stepped out.

He looked up at you and smiled, "Wow. I definitely like this look much better." He said as he nodded.

"Thank you. Now let's go have some fun!"

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