Revenge Of The Fallen. Part Two.

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I was walking back to the house after talking to Mr. Odair, the story still ringing in my ears. It was quite hard to believe that anyone could ever try to kill their own sister. Of course, I would never try to kill Emily. It was out of the question. But then again, who knew what we were going to do next?


During the walk home, I didn't meet a single soul, which I was glad for. It's strange how someone wants to meet someone else for one minute and then starts to wish they wouldn't meet anyone. That's exactly how I felt after meeting Mr. Odair. He seemed like a nice guy, but my conversation with him wasn't pleasant. Well, what did you expect when your conversation centered on the fact that the house you're living in is cursed?

I made my way up the steps of the house when I reached It and went inside. It kind of creeped me out now but I wasn't leaving It soon.

That night was just like the others. I heard some noises outside my door, but now that I was sure wasn't imagining them, I locked my door. And just in time too, because that night someone was trying to open my door and woke me up.

After I was sure there was no way anyone could come into my room, I still couldn't sleep. Instead I started pacing the room and suddenly I heard noises coming from the room's bathroom. As I moved toward It, I saw the shadow of a small person. It looked like a girl. I moved toward It, the shadow, and suddenly It just rippled and vanished. I went in the bathroom but there was no-one there.


I was so tired that night, what with all that walking to the village,  that even the incident with the shadow couldn't keep me awake,  no matter how hard I tried. The next morning I decided to stay in the house and do some riling through the papers the maid had found while cleaning. There were dozens.

They had been put under the bed in my room, so I went in and looked under the bed. I took out one of the boxes. Before getting up, I checked in the box. It was full of birthday cards. The next one revealed some old photographs. The other boxes were filled with papers.

I checked the birthday cards first. They were all from Graciela Drablow to her daughter. They didn't tell me anything, so I left them. I started checking the papers. There weren't many, most of them were birth certificates and death certificates. I saw one with the name of Nancy drablow. It said that she died when she was ten, and the cause was drowning. There was also Glaciela's death certificate, showing that she was twenty-seven when she died the cause of her death was written in two, neatly written words:

"Self-murder" I whispered.


In a daze, I went through the pictures. After going through all of them, a part of my mind knew who was who. I then set out for the village nearby to talk to Mr. Odair about the papers and everything else I found. It was the same time as the last time I'd gone to the village but surprisingly this time all the shops were closed and nobody was out in the streets. I thought this as strange and, suddenly panicked, I turned and ran back the way to the house.

While running back to the house, I stopped to catch my breath. I was just going to start running again when I noticed a hand poking out of a bush. My blood went cold. Curious as always, I went to investigate. I walked forward and then stopped in my tracks. I recognized the face. It was Nancy Drablow's dead body.

It was impossible. Nancy's dead body couldn't be here. Not so close to the house. I was astonished. And I didn't know what to do. Then I just made up my mind. I would just leave the body where It was and go back. I had a ticket for going back today anyway. when I turned away from the body, I felt that there was a wind blowing me back toward it making it difficult to walk towards the house.


Once I was inside the house, I started packing my bags hastily.Once I'd taken all my belongings, I got out of the house. It was raining outside. I got drenched while going to the station. I'd get out of this miserable part of England, travel to a city where there's an airport, and get the hell out  of here.

At the station, I was waiting for my train to arrive when I glanced at train tracks and kept looking out, first in confusion, and then in horror.

Emily was running at the tracks. I called  out to her once, twice, a third time, but she didn't turn. Only when she was an inch away from the tracks, did she turn.

Her face was blank, expressionless. Then she took another step toward the tracks. Faintly, I heard the sound of a train's whistle and engine chugging. After seconds the train hit her.

"NO!" I screamed. "Emily!" even though I was screaming, I knew It was no use. I glanced around desperately and saw a  woman dressed all in black. I opened my mouth to call out for her help, but she turned toward me and called out instead.

"You didn't bury my daughter. You left her there to rot. You deserved to be punished so I willed your sister to kill herself, just like I did. I wanted the fallen of my family wanted revenge.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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