Harry imagine:)

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this is for @2013onedirection cause she is awesome and i love her<3 

when you were in 4th grade you meet this boy named Harry Styles. It didnt take long for you to become close friends best friends even. there wasent a day you two werent together. your both in 12th grade about to graduate now not much has changed except for your old best friend is now your boyfriend of 2 almost 3 years. you plan on spending the rest of your life together at least thats what you both want. its almost time for you to leave for college and Harry is staying behind. this is probably the hardest thing youve ever done because your leaving behind the most important person in your life.

its time for you to say your goodbyes to the boy you love with all your heart. you both promise to keep in touch and visit when you can. you share one last kiss with the tall handsome lad before getting in the taxi that will take you far away from your everything to a new chapter of your life.

the first few months were okay you and Harry stayed in touch like promised. He had come to visit a few times but not for very long.

Your now in your second year of college. Your relationship with Harry didnt last after you left. He stopped coming to visit as much and you were struggling to keep your grades up. He ended it saying he couldnt take it anymore whats the purpose of being together if he can never see me he swore he still loved me. It broke my heart into a billion pieces i thought Harry and I would be forever. He still calls a lot telling me it was a mistake and he still loves me with everything in him and he cant bare life without me. I always break down and tell him i miss him and need him here with me but i cant leave college my parents gave everyhting they had for my education.

today wasent any different than any other I have classes until around 12 and then ill go back to my dorm and cry and listen to sappy music and think about his beautiful face. I had just got out of my last class of the day and was quickly walking back to my dorm before anyone stopped me because i was in no mood to talk today i couldnt get him out of my head! As i almost reached my dorm room someone bumped into me i didnt recognize him but i smiled a fake smile and apologized and started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and started dragging me toward the huge football field. I protested the whole way there and tried to run away but he was stronger than me. When we reached the middle of the field he finally let me go and I was about to cuss him out when a familiar voice rang out through the speakers of the announcers sound booth. i looked for the person that voice was coming from but didnt see anything. Then i spotted him walking down some bleachers with a microphone in hand. He was singing our song. kiss me by ed sheeran. When i saw him I wanted to run, cry, scream, pass out all at once. I hadnt seen this boy in almost a year and now he shows up singing this song to me. He cant just do that!! The song was close to its end and he was standing right in front of me staring into my eyes oh how i missed those eyes and those dimples and that smile. H..Harry what are you doing here i said breathelessy. (y/n) i know your probably angry at me. If i were you I would be too. but i cant spend another day without seeing that bright smile on your face and those beautiful eyes that look at me with all the love in the world. I cant live without you (y/n). I know this is out of the blue and I know you probably hate me now. But i love you so much and I dont care if were a million miles away i will never leave you again i promise just I... SCREW IT he screams before crashing his lips against yours and kissing you with all the passion in the world a few mintues later you both pull away out of breathe.. you look him in the eyes and say.. hazza i could never hate you. he smiles a mischevous smile. what? you giggle. I have one more suprise he smiles as he digs through his jacket pocket pulling out some sort of keys. whats this? you ask confused. The keys to our house its in walking distance of the school and I rented it out long enough for you to finish college and after college we can buy a house whever you want because i plan on spending forever with you (y/n) he smiles and kisses you again. you both live happly ever after!   THE END 


hope you like it girl!! 

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