How it started

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Ty Borden was on probation. Amy's mom believed in second chances and that is what Ty got because of Maryen Fleming.

Heartland Ranch was a great place to bring problemed horses who needed help. Amy's mom was the one to do it, but when she passed away in the accident it turned into Amy's job. Amy Fleming was in the accident too. She was lucky, but blamed herself. She was told not to go near the farm, but she did. She found this abused horse and she told her mom. The storm and the lightning scared him and he kicked and kicked until the trailer u'nhooked and tipped over, their truck went off the road and hit a tree.

Tim Fleming was Amy's father and he left when Amy was five years old and Amy's older sister Lou, about fifteen.  In the accident Amy was around fifteen years old. Amy had a boyfriend named Jesse Stanton. Lou was around twenty-one and had a boyfriend named Carl who she meant in New York.  Lou went to New York when she was going to college and continued to stay in New York when she got a job offering.


Amy woke up in the hospital and saw her sister Samantha Louise Fleming aka Lou. She tried to sit up but said "Lou?"
Lou rushed over and told Amy "sit back, take it easy."
"Where am I?" Amy questioned
Jack was Amy's and Lou's grandpa and he said to her in a rumbling voice "Your in the hospital."

"WHERE'S MOM?" Amy was confused.

"Amy there was an accident and umm.........." Jack replied with his head down.

"!" Amy was crying. She was sad and upset.

Amy arrived home and Jack said "We're home." Amy looked at the heartland sign and looked straight ahead. Jack felt "awkward".

Amy walked up to the steps and Mallory (next door neighbor) gave Amy a hug, but Amy didn't hug back. Amy walked straight inside with Lou right on her tail.

Jack stopped by Mallory. Mallory told Jack, "My parents said they will coming by later."

"Mallory how about you go home and come back in a couple of days." Jack said.

Amy walked around and looked at the walls, floors, pictures, and other things. When she saw the picture of her mom and the black horse in the picture. Amy asked Lou and Jack "What about the horse? Is he dead, too?" Jack and Lou just look at each other.

Lou started walking towards Jack as he was washing the dishes.  Why don't you you the dishwasher!!

"Why did Amy and Mom have to go to Mallens farm?!?!?"

Jack leaves to go to the vet.

"What are we looking at, Scott? Jack wondered.

"I would consider putting him down." Scott Cardinal the vet answered. Jack gave him a look that meant NO.

"Maryen died saving this horse. I don't want my granddaughters thinking she died for nothing." Jack told Scott.

They showed up at Heartland with the horse and Amy was emailing her best friend Saraha when she heard the horse freaking out when Jack and Scott were trying to get the horse out of the trailer.

"What ya doin out there Scott?" Lou asked.

"Trying to get myself killed!" Scott answered.

"How is that work in for ya?" Lou joked as Scott started talking and let go of the horse.

"Can you two finish that conversation later?" Jack snapped. Scott grabbed the rope again as Amy walked out to the trailer.

"Why'd you bring him here, Grandpa?" Amy was still sad and upset.

Jack answered, "I figured you two had a lot in common."

Amy looked at him with an upset look and said "Well you were wrong!"

Amy went out for a ride with Jen her neighbor. They were talking about Amy and her boyfriend Jesse Stanton.

"Did he send flowers?" Jen asked exited.

"Yes." Amy answered awkwardly.

"What about a card or something?" Jen wanted to know.

"Yes. It said "sorry your mom died.'" Amy answered, Jen was embarrassed.

A truck just then went flying by and Amy was mad and started chasing him. He showed up at Heartland and Amy came up right behind him and almost ran him over with her horse.

"Hay, lady what's your problem?" Ty was mad.

"I want to know what idiot drives their truck around a horse?!?!" Amy was circling Ty.

Ty rolled his eyes and pulled out cigarettes.

"No smoking here!" Amy said to Ty as he rolled his again.

Later in life this picture describes their future (together)______________________________________________________________

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Later in life this picture describes their future (together)

"Why are you here anyway?" Amy was still mad!

"I was hired by some..... Maryen Fleming" Ty answered in a snotty way.

"My mother." Amy said

"Is she as friendly as you?" Ty was joking.

"She died in a car accident a few weeks ago." Amy wasn't happy about the joke.

Ty had a weird look on his face like he was embarrassed.

Ty started the next day and he cleaned one stall and said he was done to Jack.

"That's the beauty about farm work, your never done." Jack mentioned.

"I have to do all of these?!?!?" Ty questioned.

Jack gave Ty a look that meant yes.

Ty sighed and moved the wheelbarrow towards Spartan's stall and Spartan freaked out.

"Except for that one." Jack said with the slightest smirk on his face.

Ty asked "What's his problem?"

"Well that's for Amy to figure out." Jack said to Ty right away.  Ty walked off to the next stall he had to clean taking the wheelbarrow with him.

                                  Ty and Amy forever

I'm sorry if I get anything in the wrong order I don't watch it often anymore. I am doing the best I can to get it in order and I will be rewatching heartland soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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