Forever Is a long time...

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'How long? Will it really end someday?'
Annie, only 15 years of age was sitting there,striding through her endless thoughs.
'Shadows...' She though, following people forever, like mirrors of the body, a shadow will always be in possession of the humans, will always walk behind them, always there when they look to the back of the road, and sometimes, even when they glance at the front. One of the only few to stay until the very end.

However, the shadows disappear from sight the moment you step away from the light, but, even thought you cannot see them the shadows will forever remain by you as they can never die, and can never be taken apart from a person.

"Annie dear, do you want something to eat?"
The voice of her mother rang through her ears, taking her out from her state of staring at the shadow of the flower's vase.
"I'm not hungry. Thank you, anyway"
"You need to eat more", her mother said that as a statement, to signify the end of discussion. Lyra, Annie's mother have already placed her tray of food on her lap. Annie sighted, but started to eat, figuring nothing could change the woman's mind.

'Will I be able to get out of this plain white room anytime soon?' She asked the shadow of the vase in her mind.
"You will someday" Lyra answered her daughter's unsaid question, which was easy to figure out from the look on her daughter's face, she did raise her for 15 years after all.

Annie has heart condition, and has already been in the hospital for 5 years with her mother taking care of her everyday.
"Think positive,ok?" is all Lyra can say for Annie to look at her in the eyes. "It's harder than you think", Was the answer she was given as a reply from her daughter,who has a spoon hanging from her mouth.

"Will you promise to always let hope shine in your eyes?" Lyra asked, after 5 minutes of quiet.

A four letter word who to some means the world.
They hang on to it, keeping it in their hearts and never letting it go.
Because Hope can change so much,
Never lose it when you have it.
Hold on to it and never let go,
Hope is found everywhere, even in that little drop of water coming from the sky that everyone calls rain.
Gain it, Hold it,Never lose it.
With Hope the sun is a little brighter and the heart is a little warmer.
Hope has many forms, find the one that will fit you.
May Hope forever warm your hearts and shine in your eyes.

"Forever Is A Long Time..."

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