Nothing is a secret!

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I could hear him entering the house from work. As he began to walk up the spiral staircase to our master bedroom. Afraid ot breaking the news I quickly pulled down my shirt and ran out of the orange bathroom.

"Honey, you're home. How was work?"

"Angela you wouldn't believe how stupid people are when it comes to computers. One woman believed the internet was turned off!"

Tom, my husband owns his own computer store, day after day he comes home complaining about the stupid people that enter his store in California. I love him to death, but the computer store is all he ever thinks of.

"Ang, Ang, are you listening to me?"

"Oh, sorry Tom. I just have a lot on my mind right now"

"Angela, you are a stay at home wife; what is troubling you?"

"It's nothing Tom, please do not worry about it."

Before running off to take a shower Tom kissed my forehead.

When he was out of my sight, I pulled up my shirt to check and confirm my worst fears,

I rolled the meat around in the frying pan while putting the lid on the pot of noodles. The bright silvermoon shined through the window and sent a rainbow glaring across the cold, white counter.

The moon was so round, when just last week it was small. I began to rub my stomach again.


Droping my hands to my side I spun around on my heels.

"Angela, what is going on with you today?"

"Nothing I am cooking dinner."

"The oven is off Angela!"

I knelt down on the floor and began to cry.

"Angela, baby please don't cry."

"Tom I have to tell you something"

as I looked up to tell him the news, Tom was holding a pregnancy test.

We sat their starring at each other.

"Tom, we're going to have a baby."

I sat there with a wet face starring at his blank face.

I began to feel like I was going to be sick when he said.

"We're going to have a baby? Ang that is wonderful. Why didnt you tell me?"

"I was scared you wouldnt want one."

Tom grinned and began to passionately kiss me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2011 ⏰

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