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"Hey, I'm Laura, but aren't you the new girl?" this random (gorgeous) girl came and asked me when I was walking to soccer practice. Today was my first day at Walker High, I am a Junior and the Co-Captain of the soccer team (don't ask how I am already the Co-Captain on my first day it was like magic almost.), but I have had a terrible day until now.

"Um, yeah, yes I am. Hi my name is-" But I got cut off by a Football player that knocked all of my books down. I just ignored the jock and started picking up my books out of habit, even though i am the Co-Captain of the soccer team i still am an outsider in the school. First day of school, and after school, so far terrible.

"Here let me help you pick up your books." Laura said, "By the way, where you headed New Girl" the way she said those last two words made me stumble and drop the books i had just picked up, why was she making me feel weak.

"I'm heading to soccer practice, I'm the Co-Captain of the team." I told her without a thought. Damn it! She was making my knees go weak now. No Nicki you can't fall for another girl, you can't be your lesbian self right before you meet your team. Anyways after what happened when you told your mom that you were a lesbian she made you break up with your girlfriend and you moved. I thought to myself

"Oh, so you're the one that almost made my sister Co-Captain this year, nice going New girl." Once again she gives me the chills, the nice kind. No Nicki you can't do this, you are here for school and soccer only.

"Oh, um, thanks. I think, anyways are you on the team? And hi, I'm Nichole, Nichole Reign, but my friends call me Nicki." If i had any, or anyone wanted to hang with me.

"Well actually no i'm not on the team, I just go to practice for my sister, she's my ride. And welcome to Walker High. I'll see you around Nicki." then she just ran off leaving me with a paper and all my books to pick up. I'll open the paper when I get home, now I have practice to get to.


When practice started I finally met the Captain of the team she seams nice and quiet, like myself, but her name was Shadow (well everyone called her that cause she was always in the shadows.). "Hey Captain! The new Co-Captain is here, get your sorry ass over here and meet her." Said Laura, apparently she called her sister "Captain" during practice. It makes sense, I guess, practice and all to get her team used to calling her Captain.

"Hey Laura I know you can pick on me and all 'cause I lost the bet, but that doesn't mean you can put me down in front of my team." Said Shadow while she was jogging over here. "Hi, I'm Shadow, your Captain. You will address me as Shadow or Captain, only my friends call me Shade." she said to the team, myself excluded "So you are Nichole?" Shadow asked while i just nodded "Nice to meet the person that almost one upped me this year." Shadow said when she was done showing the team the warmups for the day.

"Thank you ma'am it is an honor to meet the famous Captain, that said I was a disgrace to the team." I said while both of the sisters were in awe. Than I just walked off the field, and went home for the day.

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