The beauty of art ❤ -Sasori x Reader-

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You were exactly where you wanted to be right now; surrounded by two of your three best friends; Deidara and Tobi. You are at the park now, since Tobi 'needed' to go. You invited Sasori to come with you, but he refused. He said something about being too 'preoccupied' with art. It left you a little disappointed, but your smile couldn't be any bigger than it is right now; Tobi and Deidara's constant arguing is just too entertaining for you to be upset right now. Besides, this isn't the first time he hasn't shown up to meet with you.

"Deidara-Sempai! Deidara-Sempai!" Tobi shouted, as the angered Deidara turned his head agressively to face the Orange-masked boy. "Look! Look! A new amusement park opened!" He shouted in joy, while waving his arms around hazardly. You didn't look surprised; you already knew where this conversation was going.

"I say we go tomorrow! I want to ride the roller coaster! Oh Oh Oh, and the ferris wheel!" Tobi yapped on and on about which rides he wanted to ride, and how much fun it was going to be. You zoned out for a moment. "..Yeah sounds like a good idea..maybe I'll invite Sasori.." You muttered to yourself; the other two couldn't hear over Tobi's constant shouting. Deidara seemed angered by Tobi's excitement, and gave constant threats about how he was going to blow him up with art.

"Deidara-Sempaaaaaaaaaaai!" Tobi whined out loud. You shook your head at the two in disapprovement, while keeping a slight smile. It's a shame that they can't get along. Without Sasori here, sometimes you feel like an outcast.


You were left making the arrangements for the amusement park, which sort of made you feel a little ticked. It wasn't that big of a deal anyways; you were just glad to be able to spend more times with your friends. It was after-dark, and Deidara and Tobi offered to walk you home. You polietely refused; you needed to find Sasori and invite him to the event. It would be a shame if he didn't show up to this arrangement either. Though he never has a good excuse of why he didn't show up; actually, he had no excuse at all. He wouldn't give more than an apology, and sometimes promised to come 'next time'. Your joyful attitude keeps you from being mad at him.

You knew Sasori was going to be on the outskirts of the base; which was safe for you. You wouldn't want the leader of the Akatsuki to spot you inside the base and kill you. You shuttered at the idea of that, but then sighed it off. There was this particular place that Sasori stayed to work on his art.

"Oh, [Name]." A sudden voice had startled you from behind, though it was a familiar voice; and you smiled at the sight of who it was. Though he didn't seem to have any art with him.

"Sasori-san!" You shouted in both excitement, and a slight bit startled from him being behind you. He wasn't wearing his Haruko puppet, so that made you smile. You just loved to see his innocent little eyes, and his strawberry-red hair. "I was looking for you actually.." You began. He nodded for you to go on; and you got a little aroused. "Tomorrow Tobi, Deidara and I are going to an amusement park! And uh..I want you to go with me!"

Sasori's eyes softened a little, but he looked away. You pouted your lips playfully towards him. "You better not blow me off again." You said in a pouty voice. After saying that, he looked back at you, sighing slightly. A slight breeze passed, and you blushed as his hair flew along with the rhythm of it.

"Yeah, I'll come." He said to you, which got you all pumped up. You pulled your [H/C] hair behind your ear and tried to stutter out your words of excitement. He raised an eyebrow up in a strange curve at your unusual reaction to his response. You let out a slight giggle, before turning around with your back facing him.

"Thank you, I-I'm so happy!" You stuttered with tears of joy. One may think your reactions as foolish and exaggerate, since he usually delays these kinds of things and acts like it was nothing, but you being a happy-go-lucky, saw past all of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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