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A.N// okay so it's currently 3 am and I have no idea what I'm even going to write but I don't want to sleep so I am just going to write what flows into my mind. anyways, on with the shit show.

      He watched the girl, only a short distance away. He couldn't help but admire her beauty. Her eyes were a pale blue, they reminded him of the sky on a perfect spring afternoon. Her smile was gorgeous and contagious, to say the least. The way her lips slowly curled up, and oh the way those cute, little dimples appeared on her cheeks. When her smile reached her eyes, she scrunched her eyes up, causing her eyes to twinkle like the billions and billions of stars in the sky. The boy was sure he could count every star to come up with a reason why the girl was so perfect.

     The boy sighed. No one like her would ever like someone like him. He had been in a car crash when he was eight years old. He winced as the terrible memories came flooding back to him. He had been paralyzed from the waist done. Stuck in a wheel chair, unable to walk, to dance. Oh how the boy loved to dance. Dance had been his only passion, it was his escape. He loved the way music was always there, resonating within him, in his very soul, the core of his entire being.

    Suddenly the boy felt a wet drop fall onto his leg. He looked up, thinking that maybe it had started to rain, but the sky was clear, all blue, not a cloud in sight. Just like her eyes, he thought to himself, shaking his head at the thought. And then the boy felt another drop, but this one rolled down his cheek and clung to the edge of his nose.

    He sat up quickly, suddenly very aware of what had just happened. He frantically wiped at his face, destroying any evidence that he had been crying. He swiftly turned around in his wheelchair and rolled himself home. He kept his head down the whole way, he didn't feel like seeing all the faces of strangers gawking at him, like he was a disease. Not today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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