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Once I knew a girl who changed history. You'd never suspect that a girl like her would ever do something so extraordinary. She changed the lives of so many people. Her story is unbelievable but it's all true. I saw it with my own eyes.

It all began with a hug goodbye. She moved to a new school.  "You sure I'll be fine," Jenne asked? "If not then you know who to call," her mother said. "There's the bus bye mom," Jenne said running to the bus. "Bye sweetheart." Jenne looked around at the seats and all were taken expect one seat. It was in the very back and was a one person seat. She sighed and just dealt with it the whole ride to school.

When she got to school she had no idea where to go. She had her schedule in her hand but she was completely lost. Suddenly this girl saw her in distress. "Hey ya I'm Kelly. You look lost is everything okay?"
"Do you happen to know where C13 is?"
"Yeah it's right down the hall on the left."
"Thank you!"
"No problem!"
She got to class in the middle of a test. She walked up to the teacher to find where she sat. "Any free seat ya want is fine," the teacher said. She sat down in the very back. She noticed something staring at her. She looked up at him. He had gorgeous dirty blonde hair with tan skin and brown eyes. She blushed a little and he smiled. The ball rang and that dude walked up to her. "Hi my name is David."
"I'm Jenne."
"You are just beautiful I couldn't help but stare."
She blushed. "No but really thanks!"
"No problem. Here's my number cutie."
Then David walked up the hall and waved. She was shocked but she smiled and walked to her next class.

The day ended and she ran from her bus stop all the way home. "Mom, Mom I had the best day!"
"Awww great I'm so glad. What happened?"
"I got a cute guy's number!"
"Ohhhhh that's amazing! Good for you!"
"Thanks mom!"
She went upstairs to text him.
•Hi it's me Jenne.
*Hey cute stuff.
• ^~^ how r u
* I'm pretty amazing rn tbh
• Good good :D
* Hey you doing anything on Saturday...
•No why do ya ask?
* Well do you wanna go to the mall with me..
• I'd love to!
* Great I'll pick ya up at 2
• K :D
* <3

To be continued.....

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