Job number one: Artists and getting them signed

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Here at the Empire our artists are our #1 priority 

Not all talent will come to us. It's our jon to try and discover talent.

Here's some ground rules for signing artists to the Empire 

ONLY sign official celebrity anons

Non example: anyone part of a group account (unless its a band group account like for 5h) 

Someone having a Beyonce face claim but her name is "Ashley Knowles"



Only singing anons no models that use someone else's voice 

After signing an artist to the Empire:

Give them a quick interview so the fans will be able to get to know them.

Then publish it in their book 

Explain to them the use of the book 

The use of the book is for them to be able to send in their new singles, music videos and announcements regarding their music.

When an artist's sends you something like a new song post it in their book ASAP

when they are ready to do an album have them send in all songs for the album and the album artwork (or they could just tell you to post one of their albums that is already out)

Then set up a release date with the artist and notify the promotion team of that date so they can do their job (you guys can decide who is in charge of promoting the artists)

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