The Unexpected Pairing part 1

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Suave awoke to the sound of his alarm clock beeping. He rose off of his bed and yawned while stretching. His bed was very basic yet elegant. Draped with white curtains a white and golden bedspread along with golden pillows surrounding it. He was treated well for a servant and greatly appreciated Jasper and Fallacy treating him this way. He made his bed. Perfectly. Not one wrinkle not one mistake. The bed was straightened and neat within ten minutes. He realized he had to change into his servant uniform for the day as he was still in his nightwear. He went to his closest. Completely organized. Not one piece of clothing out of place. He started to undress. He took off his shirt as Jasper walked in.
Now, everyone in the castle knew Jasper had strong feelings towards Suave. Everyone seemed to know except Suave himself. However, Suave was too caught up with Fallacy to really pay attention to the signals Jasper gave off to show affection.
Fallacy would never admit and would never make it noticeable that he has fallen for Suave. Everyone would look at him differently and disrespect him if they found out that he loved such a low level servant. The thing no one knew is that Suave and Fallacy would often go out together and walk along the gardens and castle and talk. Of course, they don't think the other likes them back, so they both keep quiet and act as friends towards each other. At first, they met repeatedly coincidentally. Suave went to pick, smell, and study flowers and would do this often, and Fallacy would go for hunting and practicing purposes. Now, they just do this to see each other, but they always have that as an excuse in case anyone became suspicious.
So, back to the present day, Suave was shirtless and Jasper walked in on him. Jasper doesn't usually come this early. He comes to tell Suave his daily tasks and chores. Jasper's immediate reaction was blush spreading across his face. Suave turned to see Jasper and felt embarrassed that Jasper saw him like this. "I'm very sorry My Lord. I didn't expect you to come this early." He replied calmly. "I-I Uhhh... It's alright Suave!" He nervously smiled and put his hands in the air backing away. "I'll come b-back later!" Jasper left and closed the door. He ran across the hall hiding his face in his hands. "Ohmygoshohmygosh." He repeated. "My lord? Is everything alright?" One maid asked as she saw him panic. "Y-YES! I'm a-alright!" The maid dismissed his odd behavior, but knew something happened between Suave from experience.
Suave finished dressing and looked at the full length mirror attached to his door. He made sure everything was precisely straight and his shirt was properly tucked and there were no wrinkles. He adjusted his bow tie and smoothed his shirt and pants out. He tied his shoes and exhaled a deep breath. "Time to start the day." He smiled hoping he'd be able to meet up with Fallacy like usual. He had to make breakfast for Jasper and Fallacy first, so he opened his door and headed to the kitchen on the level below him.
(Shall I continue? Things will most likely get interesting in the second or third chapter. (ಠ ͜ʖಠ))

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