Chapter 1

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I awoke by the sound of shattering glass. My eyesight was bleary as I ran downstairs. When I came to the bottom of the stairs I stopped and it wasn't because of the big brown wolf. It was because a women with auburn hair lay on the ground with her throat ripped out. I even knew that her eyes were a beautiful green. I had the same eyes cause that was my mother dead on the ground. 

 A shrill scream filled the air that I now realize was me. I fell to the ground and tried to move her but she was already gone. I turned to the wolf as it crept up on me. I screamed at the monster." Look what you've done!"

Then I did something really stupid. I lunged at the wolf.

Something weird happened though. I felt bones shift and change in my body. Cracking and popping noises filled the air but nothing hurt. In those 30 seconds I fell to the floor on four legs. I didn't hesitate. I just went with my instincts and lunged at the wolf's throat. Fear flashed in the wolf's eyes. I tore at the wolf's body knowing that he deserved it. 

Finished I looked up....and right into a mirror. A crimson colored wolf with vivid green eyes looked at me. I knew then that it was me. It was small but built for speed, stealth,and battle. I stared in horror as I realized that I became the thing that killed mom.

Not knowing what to do I busted down the front door and ran. I turned back giving my mom a silent apology for being a monster. My old life goodbye. Hello new life.


Hey guys! I just want to say that things will get good and I hope you stick around. Love u my little kittens.!


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